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Academic Policy Committee (APC)

APC Agendas and Minutes (Accessible to Campus Community - login required)
APC Referrals (Accessible to Campus Community - login required)
APC Members only:
Meeting Information
Day/Time:  1:45 - 3:45 pm on non-Senate Wednesdays; 2:45 - 3:45 pm on Senate Meeting days*
Meeting Dates
Fall 2024: September 4, 11, 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; November 6, 13, 20, 27; December 4 
Spring 2025: January 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26; March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7
Name Position
Vacant CHABSS 24/25 (2nd year of 23-25 term)
David Barsky Faculty At-large 23-25
Bulaporn Natipagon-Shah CEHHS 24-26
Vacant CoBA 24-26
Lenuta Gonzales (CSTEM) Lecturer Representative 24-26 (from College-Level Unit other than CHABSS)
Shahed Sharif CSTEM 24/25 (2nd year of 23-25 term)
Talitha Matlin Library 23-25, APC Chair 24/25
Vacant Graduate Studies Faculty Designee (Faculty)
Name Position
Adam Petersen Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies (on behalf of Dawn Formo, Dean, OUGS)    
Chuck De Leone Dean, Graduate Studies & Research
Brooke Judkins Designee of Dean, Extended Learning
Lisa Medina Dir. of Admissions & University Registrar (Alternate Darwin Canseco, Assoc. Registrar)-AVP EMS' Designee
Haley Burch Student Representative 24/25
Ashley Gamez Student Representative 24/25
Nam Nguyen Graduate Studies Designee (Staff)
Name Position
Gayle Feallock Catalog and Curriculum Specialist, Academic Advising
David McMartin Director, Undergraduate Advising Services
Darwin Canseco Associate Registrar
Danielle McMartin Senior Director, Office of Global Education

Committee Charge:  The Academic Policy Committee shall have general oversight of all issues related to the creation, revision, and implementation of academic policies, procedures, regulations, and guidelines except for those specifically assigned to other Standing Committees in this Constitution and Bylaws.  The committee shall articulate and implement academic standards through the creation of academic policies for both undergraduate and graduate studies and shall seek to safeguard the University’s institutional accreditation and the quality of its undergraduate and graduate academic programs. In pursuit of these duties, the committee may create ad hoc subcommittees.