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Senate Policies, Procedures, and Resolutions

The purpose of the Academic Senate (AS) shall be to perform functions to it by law, by the Board of Trustees of the CSU, and the President of the University. The AS shall formulate, evaluate, and recommend to the President of the University policies and procedures pertaining to the development, maintenance, and improvement of the U niversity program, and shall serve as a forum for expressing the opinions of faculty members on matters affection the operations of the University (Constitution and Bylaws of the University Faculty and the Academic Senate)

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Senate Policies and Procedures

Senate Resolutions

CSUSM Policies on Policy Stat

Academic Senate Flow of Business Diagram

flow of business image

The diagram above outlines the Academic Senate Flow of Business with seven (7) steps. Step 1 is Origination, Step 2 is Referral, Step 3 is Committee Acts, Step 4 is Senate Acts, Step 5 is Senate Office Review, Step 6 is Final Review, and Step 7 is Policy Stat.