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General Education Committee (GEC)

GEC Agendas and Minutes (Accessible to Campus Community - login required)
GEC Referrals (Accessible to Campus Community - login required)
Meeting Information
Day: Thursdays
Time:  10:15 am to 11:45 am
Location: Virtual
Meeting Dates
Fall 2024 - September 5, 12, 19, 26; October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; November 7, 14, 21; December 5  
Spring 2025 - February 6, 13, 20,27; March 6, 13, 20, 27; April 3, 10 17, 24; May 1, 8
Name Position
Joely Proudfit (Social Sciences) CHABSS-BSS 23-25
Jessica Elbert Decker (Philosophy) CHABSS-HA 23-25
Paola Ometto CoBA 23-25
Bill Kristan (Biology) CSTEM 23-25
Devin Jindrich (Kinesiology) CEHHS 23-25
Elvira Dominguez-Gomez (Nursing) CEHHS 24-26
Vacant CHABSS-BSS 24-26
Vacant (as of Spring 2025) CHABSS-HA 24-26
Heydar Zahedani (CSTEM Mathematics) Lecturers 24-26
Allison Carr Library 24-26
Marshall Whittlesey (Mathematics) CSTEM 24-26, GEC Chair 24/25


Name Position
Regina Eisenbach Dean, Academic Advsing and Academic Programs
Dawn Formo Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Norma Larios Interim Director, EOP (VPSA Designee)
Ruth Williams Articulation Officer, Admissions & Registar
Melissa Simnitt Senior Strategic Specialist, Academic Programs
Ashley Gamez, ASI CoBA Representative ASI Student Representative Spring 2025


Name Position
Lisa Medina                                                      University Registrar & Director of Admissions
Darwin Canseco Associate Registrar
Domenica Pearl Associate Director, Academic Advising
Criselda Yee Curriculum Specialist, Academic Programs
Rebecca Romine Catalog Curriculum Coordinator, Academic Programs
Gayle Feallock Catalog Specialist, Academic Programs
Christopher Long E-Advising Team Member
Joshua Hernandez E-Advising Team Member
Brooke Judkins Associate Dean, Extended Learning
Marnie Eldridge Directory, First Year & University Programs
GEC Committee Charge: The General Education Committee has general oversight of all issues related to the General Education program and the following specific graduation requirements: the U.S. History, Constitution and American Ideals Requirement, the Diversity and Equity Requirement, and the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement - Baccalaureate Level (GWARBL). The committee makes appropriate recommendations regarding the operation of the General Education program and fulfillment of the graduation requirements specified above.  In compliance with State mandates, the committee shall be responsible for reviewing, approving, and evaluating all new and existing lower and upper-division courses used to meet the General Education and specified graduation requirements; make recommendations on academic and student policies impacting the General Education program and the specified graduation requirements; establish and provide for periodic internal and external reviews of General Education policies and practices in a manner comparable to those of major programs; review articulation agreements with community colleges for courses satisfying General Education and the specified graduation requirements; provide information to the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding the General Education program and the specified graduation requirements; and be a resource for academic advising to ensure student fulfillment of General Education and the specified graduation requirements. In pursuit of these duties, the committee may create ad hoc subcommittees.