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Senate Officer Elections

Senate Officer Vacancies – Service Beginning Fall 2025

Senate Officer seats are elected by the current voting members of Senate per Senate Election Rules and Procedures.

Please note that while only voting Senators may vote for Senate Chair, any faculty member who meets the eligibility criteria may run, including those not currently serving on Senate. Please forward nominations for this seat via email to the Academic Senate Office.  

Expected Timeline for Senate Chair Election
Date Details
11/5/24 Call for Nominations opens
11/14/24 Sample ballot goes out
11/22/24 Polls open at 9 a.m.
12/2/24 Polls close at 5 p.m.
12/4/24 Senate Chair announced at Senate meeting and shared faculty and administrators.
Senate Officer Elligibility and Duties
Officer Seat* Eligibility Anticipated Assigned Time Available for this Senate Officer Seat Description of Duties
Senate Chair Fall 2025-Spring 2027
(two-year term)

Nominees must be tenured faculty (at the time of nomination) who have been a voting member of the Senate or who have served in any capacity on a Senate Standing Committee for two of the past five years

18 WTU per academic year

The Senate Chair facilitates and leads the work of the Academic Senate and serves as the voice of the faculty to senior administration as appropriate. In coordination with the Senate Vice Chair, Secretary, and Senate Coordinator, the Chair sets Executive Committee and Senate meeting agendas. The Senate Chair meets at least weekly with Senate Officers and Senate Coordinator in fulfillment of this responsibility. In addition, the Senate Chair communicates faculty perspective to senior administration within and beyond Academic Affairs. The Chair also serves on additional committees/workgroups as requested by the President.



Thank you for your participation!