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Senate Committees

Committees Formed by Senate Policies

These faculty seats are filled via Spring Elections or by NEAC appointment. The Academic Senate Office maintains these commitee rosters. 


Committee Charge:  To evaluate faculty applications for assigned time for exceptional levels of service to students during academic years when the program is in effect by mutual agreement between CSU and CFA and dictated by CBA Agreement; to make recommendations based on those evaluations to the Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs (VPAA); and, to periodically review and, if needed, make recommendations for changes in this policy to the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC). 

EATC Member List
MEMBERS - Exceptional Assigned Time Committee (EATC) SEAT/TERM
Sabrina Liu CEHHS 
Joely Proudfit  CHABSS 
VACANT Library/Athletics/Counseling/Extended Learning 
Jane Kim CSTEM, EATC Chair 24/25 
Dongnyoung Kim CoBA 
Angel Alborate, ASI CEHHS Rep ASI Student Representative 24/25
Jennifer Ostergren, Dean, CEHHS Provost's designee (Ex-Officio)


Traditionally chaired by the prior academic year's Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor Award recipient, this committee has oversight of the campus nomination processes for the Harry E. Brakebill Award, the Wang Family Excellence Awards, and the granting of Emeritus status for Faculty. These are one-year committee seats.

Meetings are based on member schedules, guided by set policy timelines.

FASC Member List
MEMBERS - Faculty Awards Selection Committee SEAT/TERM
Ed Price FASC Chair 24/25
Elizabeth Garza  CEHHS 24/25
Christiane Assefa CHABSS 24/25
Kathy Fuller Lecturer Representative 24/25
Raj Pillai CoBA 24/25
Christina Simokat CTEM 24/25
Irma Ramos Arreaga Library 24/25
Charles De Leone, Dean of Graduate Studies & Research Provost's Designee 24/25
Natalya Tasevski, ASI CEHHS Rep ASI Student Representative 24/25


FCAC advises the Faculty Center Director about how best to implement the Faculty Center's mission.  (Members are not eligible to apply for a Faculty Center Professional Development Grant for the duration for their term.)

FCAC meets 10:00 - 11:30 AM, 2nd Friday of each month during the academic year.

FCAC Member List
MEMBERS - Faculty Center Advisory Council  SEAT/TERM
Rebecca Lush  Faculty Center Director, Chair
Heather Cook Lecturer 23-25
Vacant 24/25 CEHHS-SoE 24-26
Marion Geiger CHABSS-HA 23-25
Brandon Moore CHABSS-BSS 24-26
George Brusch CSTEM 24/25 (2nd year of 23-25 term)
Ofer Meilich CoBA 24-26
Danielle Karr CEHHS-SHSHS/SoN 23-25
Amanda Kalish Library 24-26
Stephen Tsui (CSTEM) Faculty At-large 24-26


FGC conducts the review process of applications for university-wide faculty grants related to professional development and research, scholarship, and creative activities.  (Chair elected by committee.)  One Lecturer representative is included; other members must be tenured. 

NOTE:  Committee members may not apply for FGC funds while they serve on this committee.

Meetings are scheduled around member availability, guided by policy timeline.  (Staff contact - Katie Roethel.)

FGC Member List
MEMBERS - Faculty Grants Committee SEAT/TERM
Chuck De Leone Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Nima Zaerpour CoBA 23-25
Mtafiti Imara
CHABSS-HA  24-26
John Eme CSTEM 24-26
Tara Marko Lecturer 23-25
VACANT CHABSS-BSS 24/25 (2nd year of 23-25 term)
Jennifer Fabbi Library 24/25 (2nd year of 23-25 term)
Tihomir Kostadinov Faculty At-large 24-26
Matthew Schubert CEHHS 24-26


Members must be full time and tenured. These are one-year committee seats. Meetings are based on committee members' schedules, guided by a set campus timeline. (Faculty unit employees applying for sabbatical leave are not eligible for election to the PLC.) 

PLC Member List
MEMBERS - Professional Leave Committee 24/25 SEAT
Andrew Spieldenner CHABSS-BSS 24/25
Cynthia Melendrez CHABSS-HA 24/25
Vassilis Dalakas CoBA 24/25
Casey Mueller CSTEM 24/25
Alyssa Sepinwall Faculty At-large 24/25
Carmen Mitchell Library 24/25
Rebecca Brooks CEHHS 24/25