Senate Policies and Procedures
Policies, procedures, and accompanying guidance documents are listed here for your convenience.
- Academic Policy Committee (APC)Academic Renewal (APC 038-92)
Latin Honors Criteria at Graduation (APC 035-92)
Add Policy (APC 039-92)
Drop and Withdrawal Policy (APC 336-08)
Curriculum Proposers Policy (APC 700-14)
Credit Certificate Policy (APC 156-98)
Credit by Challenge Examination (APC 281-04)
Grading Symbols (APC 160-99)
I Grades for Graduating Students (APP 060-94)
Graduate Studies Policies (APC 163-99)
Inactive Courses (APC 193-00)
Centers and Institutes at CSU San Marcos (APC 234-02)
Undergraduate Probation, Disqualification, and Reinstatement (APC 236-02)
Graduate Probation, Disqualification and Reinstatement (APC 237-02)
Service Learning (APC 245-02)
Master's Thesis and Project Committee Composition (APC 262-03)
Graduation Requirements (APC 265-03)
Graduate and Post Baccalaureate Student Course Repeat (APC 307-06)
Course Repeat and GPA Adjustment (APC 309-06)
Graduate Studies: Concurrent Master's Degree Credit (APC 317-07)
Second Master's Degree (APC 382-11)
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement - Graduate Level (GWARGL) (APC 321-07)
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement - Baccalaureate Level (GWARBL) (APC 718-15)
Undergraduate Catalog Rights (APC 342-09)
International Baccalaureate Program Credit (APC 345-09)
College Level Examination Program Credit (APC 346-09)
Excess Units Seniors (APC 349-10)
Academic Program Discontinuance (APC 353-09)
Declaration of Major and Specialization (APC 359-10)
Undergraduate and Graduate Dual-Listed Courses (APC 361-10)
Graduation Requiremens for Second Bachelor's Degree (APC 364-10)
English Language Admissions Requirement (APC 365-10)
Humane Care and Use of Animals (APC 372-11)
Credit Hour (APC 374-11)
Independent Study, Research and Internship Courses (APC 381-11)
Maximum Number of Units During Winter Intersession (APC 394-12)
Course Syllabi Policy (APC 710-14)
Final Exam Conflicts (APC 719-15)
Online Instruction (APC 726-16)
Human Subjects Protection in Research (APC 733-17)
Extended Learning's Roles & Responsibilities(APC 168-99)
Upper Division Courses for Lower Division General Education Credit (APP 047-93)
Class Ranking (APP 061-94)
Accreditation of Academic Programs (APP 089-95)Blended Programs (APC 800-23) - Anti-Racism, Anti-Colonialism, and Social Justice Committee (ARACSJC)(This Committee began its work in the Spring 2022 semester)
- Budget and Long-range Planning Committee (BLP)
Expanding Existing Stateside Programs to Self-Support Delivery (BLP)
Moving Self-Supported Academic Programs to State-Supported Funding (BLP 705-14)
University Academic Master Plan (BLP 228-01)BLP Review of Proposals (BLP 793-22) - process
- Diversity and Equity Curriculum Committee (DECC)(This Committee began its work in the Fall 2023 semester)
- Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)
- University RTP Document (FAC 022-91)
- Guidelines for Departmental RTP Standards (FAC 338-08)
- Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty (FAC 198-00)
- Faculty on Leave Serving on Peer Review & Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committees (FAC)
- Student Services Professionals Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 393-99)
- Periodic Evaluation of Athletic Coaches (FAC 326-08)
- College of Education, Health & Human Services Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards
(FAC 376-11)
- School of Nursing Retention, Tenure and Promotion Standards (FAC 308-06)
- School of Education Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 363-91)
- Department of Human Development Retention, Tenure and Promotion Standards (FAC 377-11)
- Department of Kinesiology Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 378-11)
- Speech-Language Pathology Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 400-13)
- Department of Social Work Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 708-14)
- Public Health Department Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 734-17)
- College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences Retention, Tenure, and
Promotion Standards (FAC 383-11)
- Department of Psychology Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 675-14)
- Department of History Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 707-14)
- Department of Communication Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 711-14)
- Liberal Studies Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 718-15)
- Global Studies Department Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 727-16)
- Department of Literature and Writing Studies Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 728-16)
- Department of Sociology Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 746-17)
- Department of Anthropology Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 752-19)
- Department of American Indian Studies Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 799-23)
- Department of Philosophy Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Standards (FAC 795-23)
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Retention, Tenure and Promotion Standards (FAC 388-12)
Nomination and Election of Peer Review Committees - CSTEM (FAC 716-16)
- Library Retention, Tenure and Promotion Standards (FAC 192-00)
- Lecturer Evaluation (FAC 389-12)
- Range Elevation for Temporary Unit 3 Faculty Employees (FAC 206-00)
- Policy on the Evaluation of Temporary Counselor Faculty (SSP-ARs) (FAC 293-05)
- College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences Temporary Faculty Unit 3 Employees Evaluation (FAC)
- College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Temporary Faculty Unit 3 Employees Evaluation (FAC 278-04)
- College of Education, Health & Human Services Lecturer Evaluation Policy (FAC 736-17)
- College of Business Administration Temporary Faculty Evaluation of Unit 3 Employees (FAC 337-08)
Sabbatical Leave Policy (FAC 059-94)
Misconduct in Scholarship and Research (FAC 093-05)
Research and Educational Grant Applications (FAC 138-97)
Emeritus Faculty (FAC 157-98)
Difference in Pay Leave (FAC 196-00)
Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor Award (FAC 217-02)
Custom Course Material (FAC 260-03)
Faculty Grants Review Committee Policy (FAC 322-07)
Department Chair Selection (FAC 375-11)
Wang Family Excellence Awards (FAC 709-14)
Assigned Time for Exc eptional Levels of Service to Students (FAC 712-15)
Visiting Faculty (FAC 720-15)
Policy on Ethical Conduct (FAC 735-17)
Faculty Office Hours and Availability to Students (FAC 745-17)
Application for Salary Increase for Market or Equity Purposes
Faculty on Leave Serving on Peer Review & RTP CommitteesFaculty Mentorship - Guiding Principles (12/5/19)Grants and Contracts Development Advisory Committee (FAC 791-22) supplants Grant Proposal Seed Money Policy (FAC 214-01) - General Education Committee (GEC)
General Criteria for Lower Division G.E. Courses
General Education Study Abroad Policy (GEC 170-99)
Required Earned Units to Enroll in Upper-Division General Education Courses (GEC 331-08)
American Institutions and Ideals (GEC 373-11)
All University Writing Requirement (GEC 392-12)
Upper Division General Education (UDGE) (GEC 798-23) formerly 44557959
Upper Division General Education Learning Outcomes (GEC 394-12)
Upper Division Courses for Lower Division General Education Credit (APP 047-93)
Language Requirement in General Education (GEC 742-17)
Credit/No Credit Grade Option for General Education (GEC 743-90)
Diversity and Equity Graduation Requirements (GEC 744-17) - Lecturer Committee (LC)
(This Committee began its work in the Spring 2022 semester.)
Library Temporary Faculty Evaluation Policy (LC 249-02) formerly FAC 249-02Department Level Standards and Additional Material for Temporary Faculty Evaluations (LC 797-23) supplants FAC 358-10Guidance for Appointment Decisions Including Careful Consideration (LC 801-23) - Guidelines - Nominations, Elections, Appointments & Constitution Committee (NEAC)
Faculty Service and Voting While on Leave (NEAC 102-96)
Election Rules and Procedures of the CSUSM Academic Senate (NEAC 736-94) - Program Assessment Committee (PAC)Program Review (PAC 133-97)
- Student Affairs Committee (SAC)Student Grievance (SAC 043-92)
Academic Integrity Policy (SAC 083-95)
Student Course Grade Appeals (SAC 216-02)
Instructor Management of Student Course Records (SAC 239-02)
Student Athletes and Class Absences (SAC 341-09)
Student Absence from Class for University Events and Religious Observances (SAC 348-09)
Field Trips (SAC 399-13)
Student Internships (SAC 714-15) - Technology Policy & Advisory Committee (TPAC)
- University Curriculum Committee (UCC)None