Cal Vet College Fee Waiver
You must apply for the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver through the County Veterans Service
Offices (CVSO).
If approved, you will receive your official Cal Vet College Fee Waiver Authorization
letter from the County; you will need to email it to calvet@csusm.edu via your CSUSM campus email and be sure to include your student ID number.
The County Veterans Service Offices do NOT provide us with a copy – so it is the student responsibility to email it to us at calvet@csusm.edu.
Sample of Approval Code Letter
The Cal Vet College Fee Waiver:
- Is a State of California benefit – not a Federal VA benefit.
- Waives mandatory system-wide tuition and system-wide fees (Application Fee & Graduate Professional Fee) if eligibility criteria are met. Student is responsible for the mandatory campus fees each term the Cal Vet Fee Waiver is used.
- Can be applied to state-supported classes only for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Note: for Summer term - both Extended Learning classes (not covered by Cal Vet Fee Waiver) and state-supported classes are offered.
- Cannot be used for Extended Learning courses, including all courses offered for Winter Intersession.
- Must apply/reapply each CSUSM Academic Year for ongoing Cal Vet College Fee Waiver benefits.
Some academic programs at CSUSM are considered self-supported, commonly referred to as extension courses or extended education. These programs are not covered under the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver because they are neither funded by the state nor system-wide programs. The Cal Vet College Fee Waiver does not cover the expense of books, parking, room and board, or campus fees.
You apply for the Cal Vet College Fee Waiver through the County Veterans Service Offices.
San Diego County - How and Where to Apply
Riverside County - How and Where to Apply
Information Needed to Apply
If applying for the first time (Plan A or Plan B):
- VA letter verifying your 0% or higher service-connected disability.
- DVS-40 application completed, signed and dated by Veteran and student.
- Student's birth certificate or if spouse, marriage certificate (if student's last name does not match Veteran's last name, proof of dependency must be provided).
If only applying for Plan B, you will need to provide Student income along with 1 - 3 above.
4. Student Income:
If no income - student will need to request an Individual Status Letter* from the Franchise Tax
Board https://www.ftb.ca.gov/help/letters/obtaining-an-individual-status-letter.html. The Franchise Tax Board phone number is 1-800-852-5711. *Once Individual Status Letter (non-Filing) is received, you may submit application
to County Veterans Service Offices.
If student earned income - student will need to provide a copy of either federal income tax form 1040 with
signature or state income tax form 540 with signature from the previous tax year.
If applying 2nd or subsequent year:
1. DVS-40 application completed, signed and dated by Veteran and student.
If only applying for Plan B, you will need to provide Student income along with 1
2. Student Income:
If no income - student will need to request an Individual Status Letter* from the Franchise Tax
Board https://www.ftb.ca.gov/help/letters/obtaining-an-individual-status-letter.html. The Franchise Tax Board phone number is 1-800-852-5711. *Once Individual Status Letter (non-Filing) is received you may submit application
to County Veterans Service Offices.
If student earned income - student will need to provide a copy of either federal income tax form 1040 with
signature or state income tax form 540 with signature from the previous tax year.
For more information
Cal Vet Fee Waiver Requirements
County Veterans Service Offices (CVSO)
Cal Vet - Plan B recipients may also qualify for VA Chapter 35 benefits.
Contact CSUSM Veterans Services Office on campus with questions regarding Federal VA benefits veterans@csusm.edu.
Additional information regarding Federal VA benefits can be found on the VA Website.