Fee Refunds
Exceptional Circumstances Refunds
Students who are not entitled to a refund as described above, may submit a request for an appeal of the refund policy demonstrating exceptional circumstances which prevented the student from dropping their classes prior to posted deadlines, and the Chief Financial Officer of the university or their designee determines that the tuition and fees were not earned by the university. Only fees between the current term and two previous terms are eligible for an appeal of the refund policy.
Instructions and Procedures
All classes must be dropped prior to submitting a request for exceptional circumstances refund.If you have filed a petition to withdraw with the Registrar’s Office, you must have approval and all of your classes dropped prior to submitting a request for exceptional circumstances refund. The execeptional circumstances committee cannot initiate a drop or withdrawal on your behalf.
Please be as descriptive as possible regarding your situation. Relevant supporting documentation must be included that supports your claim that exceptional circumstances made the student incapable of dropping classes by posted deadlines.
Who Reviews Requests?
A committee represented by three voting members: one member from the Financial Aid Office, one member from the Office of the Registrar, and one member from Student Financial Services (requests from Extended Learning students add one voting member from the Extended Learning Office). Student Financial Services will submit your appeal to the committee and coordinate communications with the student.
When to Expect a Response
The process can take approximately 2-3 weeks. Once a decision has been made, the student will be contacted by email.