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Printing & Laser Cutting Services for Students

Make your Project a Reality!

The Innovation Hub can to assist you during the innovation process. Whether you're a 3D printing expert or you'd like to bring an idea to life but do not know where to start, we can assist you with the following:



  • Individual and Team Projects
  • Access to equipment: 3D Printers and laser cutter
  • High Quality 3D Prints and laser cuts using a variety of Materials 


Schedule a Consultation

A consultation appointment allows students to meet with experts to discuss the various phases in the 3D printing process. Experts will guide you through these phases step by step.

Complete a 3D consultation form

How the Consultation Process Works

  1. Complete the 3D consultation form. Make sure to include your availability for scheduling an in-person consultation appointment and printing files (if you have any) in an .stl or .obj format only.
  2. Receive an email confirming the date & time of your consultation appointment.
  3. Attend the consultation appointment to discuss project details, pricing, and printing schedule.
  4. Pick up your project!

Student Pricing

The Prototyping Lab uses an equitable pricing model to offer services to students. This pricing model includes the cost for materials, setup fees, and print time. 

Innovator Cash

A student printing/cutting for the first time in the innovation hub automatically receives $50 in Innovator Cash! Once the $50 is used up, students will have to pay for printing/cutting, using the PawPrint app.

Pricing by Equipment
  Formlabs Dremel Glowforge
  • Grey draft resin
  • White draft resin
  • Blank Eco - ABS
  • Transparent
  • PETG
  • Wood
  • Acrylic
  • Leather
Set Up Fee $2.00/print job $2.00/print job N/A
Print time $1.50/hour
Print time cost capped at $10
Print time cost capped at $10
$5.00 minimum

Post Processing

*student can opt to process
themselves with the assistance
of Hub staff or have the staff do it for the associated fees

  • $5/hr
  • $10 cap
  • $5/hr
  • $10 cap
  • $5/hr
  • $10 cap
Material Cost





Full sheet (12”x20”) = 240 sq inches
½ sheet (12” x 10”) = 120 sq inches
¼ sheet (12” x 6”) = 72 sq inches 

**Will charge for one of these sizes based on the square inches of the project 

** For more specific material costs, email us at 

PawPrint Payment

  1. At (or just after) your consultation appointment, you will be provided with a cost estimate/invoice for your project.
  2. If all your Innovator Cash has been used, you will need to pay for printing fees.
  3. Students will utilize PawPrint to pay for projects.
  4. Once balances have been paid, we will begin printing your project.
  5. Once your project has been printed, we will notify you via email

Please review the Prototyping Lab's Terms and Agreements Policy