Summer Courses
2024 Summer Courses
Cougar Scholars: Early Start courses at CSUSM are scheduled within the seven-week period between late June and early August. All CSUSM Cougar Scholars: Early Start courses will require students to physically attend classes at the San Marcos campus.
- June 24 – August 2, classes offered: ESW 101A & ESW 100 (ENG); GEL 101 & Math 185 (MATH STEM); ESM 104 & ESM 4 (MATH Non-STEM)
- July 16- August 2, classes offered: ESM 104 & ESM 4 (MATH Non-STEM)
If you plan to participate in Cougar Scholars: Early Start classes, please verify your Orientation date does not conflict with the Cougar Scholars: Early Start dates. If you see a conflict, please contact New Student & Family Programs at (760)750-4930 or orientation@csusm.edu for alternative date options.
CSU course fee waivers are available to California residents who have completed their FAFSA and have an Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) of $6,000 or less.
Course Focus | Mathematics: Fullfiled requirements and ready to enroll |
Mathematics: Enroll with support, Early Start Recommended |
Mathematics: Enroll with support, Early Start strongly recommended |
English: Fullfiled requirements and ready to enroll | Congratulations! Early start is neither required nor reccommended |
Recommended: GEL 101 & Math 185 |
Strongly Recommended: ESM 104 & ESM 4 |
English: Enroll with support, Cougar Scholars, Early Start Recommended | Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Recommended: GEL 101 & Math 185 May take instead: ESM 104 & ESM 4 |
Strongly Recommended: ESM 104 & ESM 4 |
English: Enroll with support, Cougar Scholars, Early Start strongly recommended |
Strongly Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Strongly Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Strongly Recommended: ESW 104 & ESM 4 |
Course Focus | Mathematics: Fullfiled requirements and ready to enroll | Mathematics: Enroll with support, Early Start Recommended | Mathematics: Enroll with support, Early Start Strongly Recommended |
English: Fullfiled requirements and ready to enroll | Congratulations! Early start is neither required nor reccommended |
Recommended: ESM 104 & 4 May take instead: GEL 101 & Math 185 |
Strongly Recommended: ESM 104 & 4 |
English: Enroll with support, Cougar Scholars: Early Start Recommended | Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 May take instead: ESM 104 & 4 |
Strongly Recommended: ESM 104 & 4 |
English: Enroll with support, Cougar Scholars: Early Start strongly recommended |
Strongly Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Strongly Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Strongly Recommended: ESW 101A & 100 |
Course Descriptions
- ESM 104: Preparatory University Mathematics
(1 units)
Solution of literal equations. Graphs and properties of linear functions including rates of change. Estimating values of nonlinear functions via interpolation/extrapolation with consideration of concavity. Simple cases of polynomial factorization. Graphs and properties of exponential functions including growth/decay, doubling times and half-lives. Solution of linear systems of equations. Sum of a finite geometric series. Corequisite: ESM 4. Enrollment is restricted to incoming first-year students in Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Placement Categories III and IV.
- ESM 4: Support for Preparatory University Mathematics
(2 units)
Review of integers, fractions, decimals, percentages, exponents and roots. Simplification of expressions containing variables, including solving linear equations and certain quadratic equations. The rectangular coordinate system and its use for graphing functions. Areas of basic and composite geometric figures. Note: ESM 4 does not count toward any graduation requirement to be completed at CSUSM, but it is counted in determining financial aid and VA benefits. Corequisite: ESM 104. Enrollment is restricted to incoming first-year students in Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Placement Categories III and IV.
- GEL 101: General Education Lifelong Learning & Information Literacy 101: The Student,
The Community, The University
(3 units)
This course is designed to equip students with the basic skills, concepts, and knowledge necessary to become a lifelong learner. In this course students will engage in the examination of current theory and research regarding the information age, health and wellness, career development, and psychological assessment. This course aims to develop the practical application of theory and research as well as an awareness and understanding of information literacy and technological skills, group and teamwork, and learning styles. Corequisite: Math 185-2
- MATH 185: STEM Math Readiness
(1 unit)
Review of algebraic expressions for the solution of linear equations and geometric problems. Review of fractions, decimals, and percentages and their conversions. Introduces the rectangular coordinate system and its use for graphing functions and representing information. Also covers solution of linear systems of equations, linear inequalities, equations, as well as introduces polynomial expressions, their properties, and the solution of polynomial equations. Includes activities to build mathematical confidence and proficiency. Corequisite: GEL 101. Enrollment is restricted to incoming first-year students in STEM Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Placement Categories III and IV.
- ESW 101A: Introduction to Writing as a Rhetorical ACT
(3 units)
Introduces writing as a process and provides an overview of rhetorical analysis tools and critical reading skills necessary for various kinds of college writing. Students will practice critical reading strategies, such as annotation, summary, explanation, synthesis, and response, and apply these skills to their individual academic writing processes. Focus on writing skills that contribute to academic growth, such as learning to analyze texts and writing in relation to social constructions and power relations. Students in ESW 101A are expected to pass the class with a C- (1.7) or better before progressing onto GEW 101B. ESW 101A is restricted to students in the Early Start Program. Cross-listed as GEW 101A.
- ESW 100: Grammar and Style
(1 unit)
Focuses on grammar and style expectations for academic written English. Students will have the opportunity to improve their own writing from other classes by applying grammar to real rhetorical contexts. Corequisite: ESW 101A. Restricted to students in the Early Start Program. Cross-listed as GEW 100.