UPD & Safety Advisory Committee
Acknowledging the ongoing need to provide a safe environment for working and learning on campus, the Campus Police and Safety Advisory Committee (CPSAC) is charged to review campus police and safety matters that affect students, faculty, staff and visitors. Per CSU policy, the Committee will offer recommendations and diverse perspectives on such safety matters including community policing principles and practices, safety outreach and education, culture of care, and strategies and tactics to facilitate, communication, transparency and trust. The CPSAC will be a vitally important sounding board to me for ideas and new initiatives related to safety, with the aim of providing the best experience for our campus community.
In addition to the membership below, other faculty and employee experts may be invited to attend meetings based on the need for additional expertise and perspectives. The CPSAC meets quarterly – twice per semester during the academic year – with special meetings called as needed. The membership, agenda and minutes of meetings of the CPSAC will be published on this website for public viewing.
- Jesus Flores, Interim Chief of University Police Department (Chair)
- Aswad Allen, Chief Diversity Officer, Office of Inclusive Excellence
- Viridiana Diaz, Vice President, Student Affairs
- Erika Gravett, AVP, Office of Human Resources
- Sarah Jayyousi, Cougar Crisis Response Team Director/Lecturer
- Yvonne Meulemans , Chair, Academic Senate
- Mary Oling-Sisay, Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
- Patricia Prado-Olmos, Chief Community Engagement Officer, CRUE
- Katie Ramos, Clinical Case Manager, Student Health & Counseling Services
- Jason Schreiber, Dean of Students
- Sarah Villarreal, Chief of Staff, President’s Office
- Leon Wyden, Vice President, Finance & Administrative Services
- Ernest Cisneros (Student Representative)
- Karina Ramirez Gonzalez (Student Representative)
- Glen Brodowski (Faculty Reprentative)
- Dreama Moon (Faculty Representative)
- Martin Leyva (Staff Representative)
- Katie Ramos (Staff Representative)