IACUC Training
Training in Animal Care and Use
Proper training and documentation thereof is a requirement in the CSUSM OLAW Assurance. In order to meet our training and documentation requirements, the IACUC committee has set forth the following.
Principal Investigators
All PIs with approved protocols must take the web training called "Working with the
IACUC,". This training must be updated every three years.
CITI Instructions
Animal Personnel
The following requirements pertain to all personnel involved in the handling, care, and use of vertebrate animals in research.
- All personnel must be listed with their qualifications and training in the IACUC approved protocol.
- Any new personnel must be listed in the Annual Review Report with their qualifications and training.
- All personnel must have regular and ongoing continuing education in animal care and handling procedures and techniques as well animal research ethics. The "Animal Use and Care Training Documentation Form" should be attached.
See also the RMS Allergy Training Requirements.
Training Reporting Requirements
The CSUSM IACUC has instituted the following procedures, in addition to the protocol and renewal process, to ensure that CSUSM meets the OLAW requirements for training and will be prepared in the event of an audit.
- All Principal Investigators (PIs) must maintain detailed records of training in the areas specified in the assurance. This information must be available, on request, to any IACUC member, the Institutional Official, the IACUC veterinarian, and any outside auditors when accompanied by Risk Management or an IACUC member.
- All PIs using vertebrate animals in classroom or laboratory activities should list in their syllabus the training provided in this class relative to the proper care, handling, and ethics of animal use. This syllabus should be submitted with a class roster every term.
- Documentation must be retained for at least three years.