Transfer Success
Transfer Success Track Certificate:
New Student & Family Programs offers a specialized track for Transfer Students to get connected on campus during their first semester at CSUSM by participating in activities based on the Co-Curricular Model. The Transfer Success Track is a great way for you to meet CSUSM faculty, staff, and students, and make your years at CSUSM count by getting engaged in leadership and professional development opportunities. Please note that eligibility is restricted to new transfer students, in their first semester.
Students who attend five eligible events and submit reflections will receive a certificate documenting their completion and a medallion to wear at graduation. A successful reflection will include: What event/program did you attend to satisfy the specific co-curricular area of the model? What was the date/time for this event/program? In 5 - 10 sentences, what was your greatest take away or learning moment you could use in your academic, personal or future career?
Find Eligible Transfer Track Events
- Civic Engagement & Social Responsibility
Associated Students, Inc
Black Student Center
California Indian Culture & Sovereignty Center
Civility Campaign
Cross-Cultural Center
Disability Support Services
DREAMer Resource Office
Gender Equity Center
Latin@ Center
Leadership Programs
LGBTQA Pride Center
Tukwut Leadership Circle (TLC)Veterans Services - Leadership & Interpersonal Development
- Career & Professional Development
- Critical Thinking & Ethical Reasoning
- Holistic Wellness & Self-Efficacy
Submit Your Reflection
New Transfer students, an email will be sent to you in the weeks leading up to the start of your first semester at CSUSM. The email is also an invitation to attend the New Transfer Student Reception, it will also include instructions on how to participate and submit your reflection for the Transfer Success Track Certificate. If you did not receive an email, contact Jay Franklin, (760)750-4871 or jfrankli@csusm.edu for assistance.