M.S. in Computer Science
The Master of Science in Computer Science program is designed to accommodate students with different goals, preparing students for a variety of positions in industry, business, education, and the public sector, or for continued study at the doctoral level.
This program encourages critical thinking and quantitative reasoning. We will help you build a solid foundation in Computer Science core, as well as offer the opportunities of working with an advisor on research projects involving cutting-edge techniques.
Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze the architectures of various current and emerging computing technologies.
2. Design, implement and test software based on the object-oriented paradigm to meet
specific requirements.
3. Apply theoretical foundations that they have learned.
4. Evaluate and compare different algorithms toward problem solving.
5. Conduct independent research in a specific topic in Computer Science: develop,
document and present clearly.
6. Independently acquire new computer-related skills based on previous knowledge.