Funding Opportunities
Barry Goldwater Scholarship
The Goldwater Scholarship supports outstanding students interested in research careers in the natural sciences,
mathematics, and engineering. The scholarship covers undergraduate eligible expenses
for tuition, fees, books, and room and board up to $7,500 per academic year for up
to 2 years. The internal campus deadline to apply is November 15 each year.
Steps in the Nomination Process for Students: Steps in Application Process | Barry Goldwater
After reviewing the steps and eligibility, you may contact Campus Representative Dr. Robert Iafe, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, with questions.
Beckman Scholars Program
Calling all biology, biotechnology, chemistry, and biochemistry majors! Offers 15 months of paid and mentored support to undertake independent research starting this summer. Visit www.csusm.edu/beckmanscholars for more information.
The Bridges to Stem Cell Research and Therapy Program (CIRM)
The Bridges to Stem Cell Research and Therapy (CIRM) program is funded by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). The Program, based at CSUSM and in partnership with MiraCosta and San Diego Miramar Colleges, places ten students in 12-month internships.
Building Early Awareness and Research in Science Program (BEARS)
The BEARS (Building Early Awareness and Research in Science) Program at CSUSM is a scholarship program federally funded by the ESTEEMED (Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educations Diversity) program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The goal of this NIH program is to support educational activites that enhance the diversity of the biomedical research workforce. At CSUSM, our program (called BEARS) supports a select cohort of first-year undergraduate students interested in bioengineering and biomedical research.
Center for Training, Research, and Educational Excellence (CTREE)
The Center for Training, Research, and Educational Excellence (CTREE) is to enhance the educational and research experiences of students from historically/presently excluded and underserved backgrounds in higher education. Success is achieved by actively engaging students in research and scholarly activities that support them throughout their educational pathway and into their career. We aim to advance the diversity and inclusivity of the academic and non-academic workforce. With over 11 million dollars in funding, the center serves as the home for several student development programs and focuses on student and faculty career development and institutional curriculum enhancement.
CSUSM Library Award for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity
This award recognizes CSUSM undergraduate students who demonstrate sophistication and originality in research projects and creative works, and reflection upon the research/creation process. Up to 12 $600 cash prizes are awarded in three categories: Creative Works, Empirical Research, and Interpretive Analysis. More information is available at https://libguides.csusm.edu/libaward/.
CSTEM Undergraduate Student Success Grants
Undergraduate Student Success Grants are available to help students meet the costs of attending skills, knowledge-building, and networking events that will enhance their professional development. These may include, but are not limited to, attendance and/or participation at conferences, seminars, workshops, or work on research projects, practical application projects or publications. Items and/or activities that are considered tuition or other related expenses or fees toward our CSUSM degree will not be considered for this program.
Funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, while funds are available, and are intended to cover a portion, not all, of the allowable professional development expenses. Students may only receive one award as an undergraduate student (in order to extend the funds to many students). Group projects as well as individual projects may be funded. Requests must be submitted two weeks in advance.
Grant funds are not available for the purchase of any hardware, software, or equipment, organization memberships, or events or activities that have already occurred.
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST)
The CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology offers summer student internship opportunities with state and federal agencies.
CSU Program for Education & Research in Biotechnology
CSUPERB seeds biotechnology innovation and educates a diverse, professional workforce for California and the global economy. Grants and award opportunities are now available at the CSUPERB website.
CSTEM Summer Scholars Program
Summer Scholars Program actively engages undergraduates in STEM research. Working closely with faculty mentors, students gain hands-on experience in highly interdisciplinary projects and learn to apply new instrumental techniques and analytical methods. The Summer Scholars Program is supported by a generous gift from Viasat, Inc.
CSUSM Noyce & CMST Teacher Scholars Scholarship
There's a critical need for qualified math and science teachers. If you are interested in a career working in public education, the CSUSM Noyce Teacher Scholars program offers you a $12,000 scholarship for the academic year as a forgivable loan. Students may accept the award for one, two, or three years with a two-year commitment as a mathematics or science teacher in a high need school district. Please email noyce@csusm.edu for more information.
The CSUSM Cougar Mathematics and Science Teacher (CMST) Scholars program, funded by the CSU Mathematics and Science Teacher Initiative (MSTI), responds to the critical need for secondary teachers of mathematics and science by encouraging talented students and professionals to pursue teaching careers.
TRIO McNair Scholars Program
CSUSM TRIO McNair is committed to assisting students thrive during their undergraduate experience through involvement in research opportunities and dedicated mentoring. Our goal is for you to attend graduate school and be successful in that environment.