CSTEM-affiliated Student Organizations
Student Organizations in CSTEM are recognized by the Student Life & Involvement Center and actively participate in regular meetings, college-wide programming, workshops, and campus events. Review guidelines for starting a new club or participating in an active organization at the Student Organziations website.
CSTEM Student Advisory Council
The CSTEM Student Advisory Council started in 2022 to provide open communication and collaboration between the College and its student organizations. The council meets monthly from September to May in the CSTEM Student Leadership Hub (ACD 204). Participants include the presidents (or designated representatives) of each student organization, the CSTEM ASI representatives, the CSTEM Director of Student Services & Programming, the STEM Pathways Advisor, and invited guests.
The members of the Advisory Council should be prepared to discuss their organization’s planned meetings and activities. Time is provided to discuss workshops, volunteer and career opportunities, and collaborations.
Laurie Schmelzer, Director of Student Services & Programming
Jeffrey Morales, STEM Pathways Advisor
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
Email: csusm.acs.club@gmail.com
Advisor: Dr. Robert Iafe
- American Mathematical Society: Graduate Student Chapter
2023-24 President: Chris Lu
Advisor: Dr. Badal Joshi
- Association for Computer Machinery (ACM)Email: csusmacm2020@gmail.com
- Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
Did the math. We are all equal. CSUSM's math club welcomes everyone of any major, age, and identity.
Email: awmcsusm@gmail.com
- Biotechnology Organization
Email: csusmbiotechorg@gmail.com
- Black in STEM
Interested in helping this club get started? Contact Saije Gideon, CSTEM ASI representative, at gideo004@csusm.edu.
- Chemistry/Biology Pre-Grad Society
Email: pregradsociety@csusm.edu
- Computer Game Development Club
Email: csusmgamedev@gmail.com
- Cybersecurity Club
- Electrical Engineering Club
- Flying Samaritans
- Google Developer Student Club (GDSC)
Email: dsccsusm@gmail.com
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (iEEE)
Email: ieeecsusm@gmail.com
- Linux Club
Email: LinuxClubCSUSM@outlook.com
- MedLife
Email: medlifecsusm@gmail.com
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Email: nsbecsusm@gmail.com
- Out in STEM (oSTEM)
Email: ostem@gmail.com
- Pre-Dental Society
Email: exec.csusmpds@gmail.com
- Pre-Health Society
Email: csusmphs@gmail.com
- Robotics Club
Email: robotics.csusm@gmail.com
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)Please contact Dr. Richard Armenta, Advisor, if interested.
- Society for Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE)Please contact Jeffrey Morales, Advisor, if interested.
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
Email: shpe.csusm@gmail.com
- Soceity of Physics Students (SPS)
Email: sps.wip.csusm@gmail.com
- Tikkun Olam
Email: csusm@tomglobal.org
- Women in Physics (WiP)
Email: wipcsusm@gmail.com
- Women in STEM (WiS)
Email: csusmwis@gmail.com
- 3D Printing
Email: csusm3d@outlook.com