Pre-Business Core Courses
Course ID | Course Name |
ACCT 203 | Introduction to Accounting for Managers (Pre-Business Accounting majors must also take ACCT 204: Principles of Financial Accounting) |
BUS 101 | Introduction to Business |
BUS 202 | Business Law |
BUS 203 | Business Writing |
BUS 204 | Business Statistics |
ECON 201 | Microeconomics |
ECON 202 | Macroeconomics |
MATH 132 | Survey of Calculus |
- The completion of the lower-division Pre-Business Core is required for Business Status.
- The lower-division Pre-Business Core are prerequisites for all upper-division Business courses.
- These courses may be taken at a Community College. Please refer to assist.org to find course equivalents.
- The minimum acceptable grade in every Pre-Business and Business course is a 'C'.
- The minimum acceptable Pre-Business Core GPA is a 2.65.
- If the GPA falls between 2.5 and 2.65, student may be subject to a wait list for business status. Students who have been placed on the business status waitlist are encouraged to repeat courses in which a C was earned in order to raise the GPA.
- The minimum Pre-Business GPA is subject to change each academic year.
- Your Degree Planner will display requirements in the University’s recommended sequence.