Academic Reinstatement
Once a student is disqualified, they may petition to be reinstated to the University. Reinstatement must be based upon evidence that the causes of previous low achievement have been removed. Petitions are reviewed by the Office of the Dean of the college in which the student's major is housed.
Students who have been out one semester
Students are required a mandatory out one semester immediately following the semester they were Academically Disqualified from CSUSM. These students are eligible to petition for reinstatement after serving their out one semester. Students should provide as much information on the reinstatement petition as possible in order to be considered for Academic Reinstatement.
In the petition, the goal is to share how the out one semester was used to actively address the areas that may have contributed to the student's current academic standing. Students are highly encouraged to take a course or two at another institution (e.g. community college) during their out one semester. This is the best and easiest way, without any guarantees, for the review committee to see academic commitment and readiness to return to CSUSM. If you take/are taking a course(s) at another institution, please use the Progress Report and include it with your Reinstatement Petition.
Students who have been out two or more semesters
If you have been Academically Disqualified AND out two or more semesters, you must complete the Reinstatement Petition Form by choosing the semester in which you last took a course, intended major if reinstated, the college your major is housed and an alternate major. Additional documentation will not be required*, instead you’ll be taken to a page with important directions on how to apply for admission. Your admission application will be used for determining your eligibility for reinstatement. Be sure to click the submit button once you’ve read the admissions instructions.
* Students out two or more semesters who wish to return to one of the CSTEM majors will be required to provide additional documentation and will be prompted to do so when completing the Reinstatement Petition and will also be directed to reapply for admission.