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Deciding on a Major

Making a Decision

While you are spending time on self assessment and exploring jobs, you will want to look at the majors and minors CSUSM has to offer. Use this list of Majors and Minors at CSUSM to review your options and rank majors and/or minors that are interesting to you. You can use these Major and Minor worksheets to see what courses are required for each program. 

You may also review each of our majors in the University Catalog.

The decision making process is individual for every student. It is important to take your time and ignore any pressure you feel while you explore. Once you’ve gathered information about yourself and jobs, you will need to identify your options and look at the pros and cons of each. You can then move on to choosing your best option. If you find you like several choices, you can select one knowing that you have a back up plan.  

Ready to Declare a Major?

Go to your Student Center in Locate ‘Change Major/Minor’ in the drop-down menu. Follow the prompts to choose your major and/or minor.

Still Undecided?

Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor, specialized program or a career counselor for more help with your decision making process. They may be able  to help you identify roadblocks and address any issues you may have preventing you from deciding.