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Pre-Business Core Courses

Pre-Business Core Coursework (Prior to 2024)
Course ID Course Name
ACCT 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACCT 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
BUS 202 Business Law
BUS 203 Business Writing 
BUS 204 Business Statistics
ECON 201 Microeconomics
ECON 202 Macroeconomics
MATH 132 Survey of Calculus


  • The completion of the lower-division Pre-Business Core is required for Business Status.
  • The lower-division Pre-Business Core are prerequisites for all upper-division Business courses.
  • These courses may be taken at a Community College.  Please refer to to find course equivalents.
  • The minimum acceptable grade in every Pre-Business and Business course is a 'C'.
  • The minimum acceptable Pre-Business Core GPA is a 2.65.
    • If the GPA falls between 2.5 and 2.65, student may be subject to a wait list for business status.  Students who have been placed on the business status wait list are encouraged to repeat courses in which a C was earned in order to raise the GPA.
    • The minimum Pre-Business GPA is subject to change each academic year.
  • Your Degree Planner will display requirements in the University’s recommended sequence.