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power lifting logo

Date:  Fall 2025
Time: TBD
Location: CFH Terrace 
Do you like to lift heavy things for fun and want to test out your max?! Come join us for our Annual Campus Recreation Powermeet! Participants will get two attempts to lift their best weights in Squat, Bench, and Deadlift. Each participant will compete in all three events (bench, squat, and dead-lift) with two attempts. Max weight for each lift will be recorded and calculated into the Wilk's Equation which takes into account gender and weight to determine the winner. Winners will be determined by the DOTs Equation. 

How to Register for this event:

  1. Register on Cougar Access.
  2. Click "Cougar Single Sign-On"
  3. Enter your CSUSM credentials
  4. Click "Programs
  5. On the left side bar under “Classifications” select “Fitness
  6. Select “Cougar REC Powermeet
  7. Click “Select
  8. There will be a little bar that appears on the bottom press “Register
  9. It will select for you “Pay in full” click “Next
  10. Click on the arrow and it will be the waiver. Click “Accept
  11. Click on “Proceed to checkout
  12. Click on “Checkout” and you are all set!