Your  Account:

Intramural Registration

How To Register

Step 1:
Go to: to begin. Select the Login link in the upper right corner. Enter your cougar username/password on the next screen (Example: coug055).

Step 2:
Once you are logged in and can view Intramurals, scroll down to select the sport you wish to join. From there, you can Join a Team, Create a Team, or Join as a Free Agent
Step 3:
Complete online payment*, and keep an eye out for important messages regarding Captain's meetings, League schedules, and updated statistics! *Payments can no longer be made at the CFH Info Desk.

Registration Links

IM Leagues Website
Create An IM Leagues Account

For any questions or concerns with your Intramural registration, please contact us at


Please Note
  • All schedules and updates will be provided through; this means the more information you provide, the easier it will be to get you the updates.

  • Roster adjustments can be made via, but each player must pay the Intramural registration fee for that particular sport before they will be eligible to participate.
  • Captains can allow for the option of free agents adding to their team. This is an efficient way to fill up your roster if you are in need of players.

  • ALL players must register on if they want to participate, NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Only campus emails will be accepted.

  • Remember to bring your Student ID to every Intramural event upon registration. NO ID = NO PLAY!

Campus Recreation reserves the right to change specifications for registration at any time.