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About Baseball

CSUSM Baseball Club was founded in Fall 2014. Our main objective is to bring an alternative team for baseball players to play for who still have the desire to compete at a collegiate level. Throughout the school year, our team practices, travels, and hosts games like other collegiate-level clubs around California. Our team is a member of NCBA (National Club Baseball Association) where we compete against other club teams on the west coast. The future is bright for Baseball Club at Cal State San Marcos, and we look forward to progressing our organization to bigger and better things with every season!

For more information about the Club, reach out to us at

Club Officers

Officers & Contact 
Title Name Email
President Kadyn Hernandez 
Vice President Joaquin Baez 
Treasurer Matthew Svolos
Faculty Advisor       Michael Lewis 

Club Events

Events Calendar
Date Time Event Location
September 28 TBD University of San Diego (USD) CSU San Marcos
October 5 DH: 10AM, 1PM San Diego State University (SDSU) CSU San Marcos
October 6 DH: 10AM, 1PM University of Southern California (USC) CSU San Marcos
October 19-20 DH: 10AM, 1PM CSU Long Beach CSU San Marcos
October 26-27 TBD UC Irvine TBD
November 2-3 TBD CSU Fullerton CSU Fullerton
November 9-10 TBD California Miramar University (CMU) California Miramar University (CMU)
November 16-17 TBD TBD TBD
November 23-24 TBD TBD TBD
May 3-5 TBD 2024 NCBA Division II Regional Playoff TBD
May 16-24 TBD 2024 NCBA Divison II World Series Alton, IL

Club Social Media
