Your Vote. Your Campus.
Imagine a vibrant space where students can unwind, stay active, and connect with one another.
Envision state-of-the-art fitness areas, calming meditation rooms, and open spaces
designed to help students recharge and thrive.
Now imagine that you have a chance to make all of this possible.
Give power to your voice and leave a legacy for generations.
Since 2016, CSUSM students have advocated for increased wellness, basic needs, and recreational spaces and services to support the needs and growth of the entire campus community. For the past nine years, CSUSM students have led the vision for a new hub of Student Life.
Here at Campus Recreation, we care about bringing balance, opportunity, and positivity to students, which is why our motto is Find Your Fit! Promoting, belonging, connection and community is why the new Wellness & Recreation Facility is so important to us, and we are thrilled that you are joining us on this journey!
In partnership with Housing and Athletics, we are eager for you to learn more about this exciting opportunity for CSUSM Students to succeed and thrive in new and expanded spaces for Wellness and Recreation.
Vote to shape the future and invest in a healthier, more vibrant campus community for tomorrow.
On October 21 – 23, 2024, all students will have the opportunity to vote in a campus-wide process called a referendum, which is the California State University System’s process for the adjustment of a Category II campus-based student fee. As part of the referendum process, a team of students will be charged with conducting a series of focus groups, tabling around campus, visiting classes, hosting informational sessions, and generating content for social media. The referendum process is intended to be open and transparent, allowing students to make a fact-based, informed decision regarding the Wellness & Recreation facility and the student fee increase required to fund the project.
Online voting will begin at 7:00 am on Monday, October 21 and be open until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 23. Ballots will be emailed to eligible students via their university-registered email addresses. An authentication survey link will be featured on the referendum website during voting dates. All matriculated students who pay the Recreation Fee are eligible to vote.
What is the Wellness & Recreation Facility?
CSUSM is planning to lease space in a new mixed facility featuring 49,200 square feet for wellness, recreation, and basic needs, services, plus 530 new student housing beds. CSUSM is commited to prioritizing student wellness as essential for development and providing resources that foster healthy behaviors, community, and a sense of belonging.
The Wellness & Recreation Facility would be located adjacent to campus and directly next to the QUAD.
*All renderings are subject to change
For more information, please contact campusrec@csusm.edu