Multicultural Education
The Multicultural Education Certificate prepares educators to take on leadership roles for social change. Areas of focus include: multicultural curriculum development; differentiated instruction for English learners, culturally and linguistically diverse students and students with special needs; and working collaboratively with families and communities.
Required Courses for a Multicultural Education Certificate (12 units):
- EDUC 641 Sociocultural Contexts of Language & Learning (3 units)Explores the theoretical, empirical, pedagogical, and sociocultural issues inherent in schooling contexts where multiple languages and cultures exist. Subjects include the examination of home, community, and school cultures; issues of bilingualism; and instructional contexts which relate to literacy and learning.
- EDUC 643 - Critical Ethnography of Education (3 units)Examines the nature of ethnography as a standard tool of investigation in describing, understanding, and explaining the behavior of individuals. Uses ethnography as a tool to examine and explore public school classrooms and teaching practice from a critical pedagogy perspective.
- EDUC 644 - Multicultural Students and Families in Public Schools (3 units)Examines subjects which allow students to increase their level of awareness, knowledge, and skills that will render them effective teachers with culturally diverse students and families. Students will understand how families function and interact with schools.
- EDUC 647 - Multicultural Curriculum & Application (3 units)Examines issues relevant to multicultural curriculum and its application in creating equitable communities of learners in multilingual/multicultural settings. Students will review current theory as it relates to the design, implementation, and evaluation of multicultural curriculum given the sociocultural contexts which exist in classrooms, schools, and communities.
- Ana Hernández
Ana Hernández is a Professor of Multilingual and Multicultural Education and Coordinator of the Bilingual Authorization Program, Dual Language Certificate, and Multicultural Specialist Certificate in the School of Education. She earned a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the Joint Doctoral Program at the University of California in San Diego and CA State University San Marcos. Her research examines issues of equitable teaching practices and cross-cultural competence in dual language education. Dr. Hernández taught for 32 years in California public schools as a bilingual/dual language teacher in grades K-8th. She is one of the founders of the Association for Two-Way and Dual Language Education (ATDLE) and served as the President of the organization for four years and a board member for over 10. In addition, Dr. Hernández is a national trainer for dual language programs and involved in bilingual teacher preparation through Global Learning Networks.
E-mail: ahernand@csusm.edu Phone: (760) 750-8507
- Annette M. Daoud
Annette M. Daoud is a Professor of Multicultural / Multilingual Education in the School of Education at California State University San Marcos. She teaches a class in the Single Subject Credential Program focused on teaching credential candidates how to teach content and English language development to their middle and high school English learners, and also teaches multicultural education courses at the undergraduate and MA levels. Dr. Daoud is the author of Middle and High School English Learners and the Common Core: Equitable Instruction in Content Area Classrooms (2015, Pearson). Her research agenda includes improving the educational experiences of secondary English learners as well as issues of social justice and equity in teacher education. Dr. Daoud serves as the principal investigator on a grant, Leading and Learning: Supporting English Learners with Effective Teacher Preparation and Professional Development funded by the Office of English Language Acquisition in the US Department of Education.
E-mail: adaoud@csusm.edu | Phone: (760) 750-8519
- Grace P. McField
Grace P. McField is an Associate Professor of Multilingual and Multicultural Education at California State University, San Marcos. She received her B.A. in Rhetoric with a minor in Education from UC Berkeley, an elementary teaching credential and M.Ed. from UCLA, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Language, Learning and Literacy from the University of Southern California. Previously, she taught in the department of Asian American Studies at California State University, Northridge; multilingual and gifted children in U.S. public schools; and ESL/TOEFL in South Korea. She served for 10 years on the board for Partners for Africa, a faith-based nonprofit organization she co-founded that works to provide hunger, literacy, and life skills outreach programs in the shantytowns of Cape Town, South Africa. Select highlights of Dr. McField’s work include, The Miseducation of English Learners, California's Opportunity (2015), and What Works for English Learners? (2015).
E-mail: gmcfield@csusm.edu | Phone: (760) 750-8511