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Graduate Programs

Admissions Information

Multilingual and Multicultural Education

The Master of Arts in Multilingual and Multicultural Education centers on a critical examination of issues of educational equity, diversity and social justice with a focus on students and their families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It is a 30-unit program that consists of three components: Core Coursework, Elective Coursework, and the Culminating Experience. Students can complete a project or thesis as the Culminating Experience.

Curriculum & Instruction 

The M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction is designed for K-12 credentialed educators who wish to broaden their understandings of education as well as deepen their knowledge and skills as teachers. The program provides opportunities for students to develop advanced understandings and capacities related to curriculum development, to interrogate the many ways in which students and their families experience marginalization and exclusion in schools, and to conduct original research to address inequities in schooling. 

Special Education

The Master of Arts in Special Education and Credential Option is specifically designed for teachers who hold a valid basic teaching credential who are seeking both a master’s degree and a career path in special education by adding on the Mild to Moderate Support Needs and the Extensive Support Needs Preliminary Education Specialist Credential(s).

Reading, Language and Literacy

Our fully online Master of Arts in Reading, Language and Literacy program provides advanced preparation in reading and language arts assessment and instruction. The coursework is immediately applicable and prepares you to work within a variety of settings to maximize learning for diverse student populations.

Educational Administration

Our fully online Master of Arts in Educational Administration program is designed to connect theory and practice to train and prepare K-12 school administrators. Lead an institution with strong values, improve curriculum and instruction, effectively manage budgets and personnel, prepare for the CAL Administrator Performance Assessment and much more.

Educational Leadership

Offered jointly between CSUSM and UCSD the doctoral program in Educational Leadership is designed to connect designed for preK-16 school leaders and those who work in non-profit organizations who will develop advanced leadership and research skills related to the advancement of the education ecosystem. The program is designed for the working professional educator who will attend classes on weeknights and weekends.

Frequently Asked Questions