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Single Subject Program

The CSUSM Single Subject Credential Program prepares teacher candidates for secondary settings (grades 6-12) in math, science, English, World Languages (Spanish), Physical Education and Social Science. The one-year program (August through June) provides teacher candidates with two different field experiences in North County, San Diego middle and high schools, one each semester. Candidates take coursework that helps them teach multilingual learners, students with identified learning needs and that prepares them to be reflective, equity-minded educators. The program is almost entirely in person, with courses on the CSUSM campus and field experiences conducted at school sites, though there are a few courses that combine online modalities (asynchronous or synchronous online).

Supervision of the teacher candidates is a shared responsibility of a CSUSM faculty advisor and an on-site cooperating teacher (a full-time teacher at the middle or high school level). Within each field experience candidates have opportunities to practice teaching their subject area(s) to diverse student populations. In addition, teacher candidates participate in school activities outside of the classroom, including faculty professional development sessions, school events (sports, art, music, etc.) and support classes (AVID, English Language Development, Special Education, etc.), all of which helps candidates gain both experience in the school culture and expertise working with a variety of student populations.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What is the configuration of the program?

    Candidates attend CSUSM courses on campus each Monday and attend clinical practice Tuesdays through Fridays at their assigned middle or high school sites. Candidates also take at least one subject-specific methods course once a week in the evenings at CSUSM. Candidates begin their fall clinical practice placement in mid-August, staying with that first school site through the entire 16-week (CSUSM) semester. Candidates begin their second placement in January, continuing at their school sites until the end of the school year at that site (usually early June).

  • May I choose the school site/s for my clinical practice?

    No. Placements are based on which school sites and districts can host specific content area candidates (e.g. math, English, physics, etc.). We are guests on the campuses and the school site administrators offer placements based on what is best for their students. When we can, we do take into account where teacher candidates live, but making accommodations for location is not always possible.

  • Is it possible to work during the program?

    We highly recommend that, if at all possible, candidates do not work during the program.  Candidates are scheduled all day Monday through Friday from about 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and the responsibilities, including coursework and clinical practice assignments, are rigorous and require a great deal of time and focus.

  • Are there additional requirements?

    Yes. The state of California requires that candidates take and pass a Teacher Performance Assessment (CalTPA) in which candidates submit responses to pre-determined tasks about teaching, based on their subject areas. Candidates submit Cycle 1 in the fall and Cycle 2 in the spring. Candidates enroll in a CalTPA support class that is designed to support them through the TPA process.

    There are also co-requisites including CPR, a health course and documentation that the candidate has passed the US Constitution test.


  • First Semester
    • EDSS 511 Secondary Teaching and Learning
    • EDSS 521 Secondary Literacy
    • EDSS 555 Secondary Multilingual Education
    • EDSS 571 Clinical Practice in Secondary Schools I*
    • EDUC 590A: California Teacher Performance Assessment

    Additional, optional, methods course requirements are listed below. Each candidate will enroll in the appropriate subject area course. Candidates are encouraged to add an additional credential by taking an additional methods course. Once the candidate has taken the methods courses for that additional subject area, they have five years to meet subject matter competency for that add-on credential (usually through passing the CSETs). Having multiple credentials is helpful for the job search process and for deepening candidates skills and competencies.

    • EDSS 543A Secondary Mathematics Education
    • EDSS 544A Secondary Social Studies Education      
    • EDSS 545A Secondary Science Education
    • EDSS 546A Secondary English Education
    • EDSS 547A World Languages
    • EDSS 548A Physical Education
  • Second Semester
    • EDSS 531 The Reflective Practitioner
    • EDSS 541 Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Methods
    • EDSS 530 Secondary Schooling in the Twenty First Century
    • EDSS 572 Clinical Practice in Secondary Schools II*
    • EDUC 590B: California Teacher Performance Assessment

    Additional, optional, methods course requirements are listed below. Each candidate will enroll in the appropriate subject area course. Candidates are encouraged to add an additional credential by taking an additional methods course. Once the candidate has taken the methods courses for that additional subject area, they have five years to meet subject matter competency for that add-on credential (usually through passing the CSETs). Having multiple credentials is helpful for the job search process and for deepening candidates skills and competencies.

    • EDSS 543B Secondary Mathematics Education
    • EDSS 544B Secondary Social Studies Education
    • EDSS 545B Secondary Science Education
    • EDSS 546B Secondary English Education
    • EDSS 547B World Languages
    • EDSS 548B Physical Education
  • Additional Courses Required For Bilingual Authorization: Spanish Emphasis

    Students seeking a Bilingual Authorization along with their Single Subject credential must take the following classes in addition to the classes listed above:

    First Semester

    EDUC 653 Biliteracy Education I: Contexts for Learning Syllabus

    Second Semester

    EDUC 654 Biliteracy Education II: Methodology and Cultural Contexts

    *Students seeking the Bilingual Authorization along with their credential are also required to complete one of the two Clinical Practice placements at the secondary level in a bilingual or ELD setting (EDSS 571 or EDSS 572).


  • Anette Daoud


    Dr. Annette M. Daoud is a professor of Multicultural / Multilingual Education in the School of Education at California State University San Marcos. She teaches a class in the Single Subject Credential Program focused on teaching credential candidates how to teach content and English language development to their middle and high school English learners, and also teaches multicultural education courses at the undergraduate and MA levels. Dr. Daoud is the author of Middle and High School English Learners and the Common Core: Equitable Instruction in Content Area Classrooms (2015, Pearson). Her research agenda includes improving the educational experiences of secondary English learners as well as issues of social justice and equity in teacher education. Dr. Daoud serves as the principal investigator on a grant, Leading and Learning: Supporting English Learners with Effective Teacher Preparation and Professional Development funded by the Office of English Language Acquisition in the US Department of Education.

  • Anne RenĂ© Elsbree

    Anne Rene Elsbree

    Dr. Anne René Elsbree is a Professor of Teaching and Learning at CSUSM. She earned her doctorate in Multicultural Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She taught students in special education in the Grossmont Union High School District, San Diego County Court and Community Schools and Madison Metropolitan School District. Dr. Anne Rene Elsbree is dedicated to making schools socially just, where all students are valued and provided the educational services to succeed. Her work focuses on universally designed instruction with effective strategies to differentiate curriculum at the secondary level for English language learners and students with disabilities. Her research areas not only address inclusion and differentiation, but also how to disrupt homophobia in schools. Dr. Elsbree is an out lesbian. She researches and writes about how schools can avoid the perpetuation of homophobic oppression by building communities where all differences are valued and supported.