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MA Multilingual & Multicultural Education

The fully-online Master of Arts in Multilingual and Multicultural Education centers on a critical examination of issues of educational equity, diversity and social justice with a focus on students and their families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It is a 30-unit program that consists of three components: Core Coursework, Elective Coursework, and the Culminating Experience. Students can complete a project or thesis as the Culminating Experience.

Two women in class talking.

Graduates of the program will enhance their pedagogy by:

  • Examining critical issues of educational equity, diversity and social justice in classrooms, school and communities.
  • Designing curriculum that addresses the needs of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
  • Using cultural and linguistic asset-based approaches to improve family engagement in schools.

 In addition to an M.A. degree, program graduates can earn:

  • Bilingual Authorization in Spanish to add to their California teaching credential
  • Advanced professional development certificates:
    • Dual Language
    • Multicultural Education