Faculty Resources
Faculty Activity Report (FAR Submission)
The overall purpose of the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) is to provide a way to account for faculty workload (instructional and non-instructional) to support the Academic Planning Database (APDB) report required by the system office. Faculty is required to fill out far in the beginning of Fall and Spring semester. Please work with the Director of School of Education and CEHHS Associate Dean, if needed.
Absence From Class and Leaves of Absence Form(s)
Faculty Affairs provides information and access to required absence and leaves of absence form(s)
Grade Change Form
The University recognizes the prerogative of the faculty to set standards of performance and to apply them to individual students. The University will seek to correct injustices to students, but at the same time, believes that the instructor’s judgment at the time that the original grade is assigned is better than a later reconsideration of an individual case. Equity to all students is of fundamental concern. (Restricted Access, directions on how to submit Grade Change Form)
Professional Development Funds Spending Request Form
For tenure-track faculty to spend their PD funds purchases request: Professional Development Funds Form
Note that the request is submitted to the CEHHS Associate Dean.
Release of Liability Form
Students who are enrolled in an education course and are engaged in field experience, service learning, and/or clinical practice as part of their course or program must fill out the SOE Release of Liability Form before they can participate in field experience. service learning, and/or clinical practice. Have your students fill out the SOE Release of Liability Form before they go to their school or community site(s).
Request for Office Supplies Form
Please complete the supply request form for either campus office supplies or classroom supplies.
CSUSM Travel Form
Travel forms: Requests for Travel, Travel Expense Claim Forms, Mileage Details and more from the Travel Office.
Syllabus Templates
Please submit your syllabus in the beginning of each semester to soe@csusm.edu
Syllabi submissions are required for all courses; if there are multiple sections of the same class offered by the same instructor, only one syllabus is required.
Faculty must use the SOE syllabi template to ensure that they include all the required elements of all SOE course syllabi.
Committee Agenda/Minutes Template
Standing Committee Template with instructions for use by Standing Committees
University Resources:
A university campus e-mail account will be provided to all CSUSM Faculty. The account should be used for all correspondence with students. It is very important that you check this email on a daily basis. Messages that relate to faculty issues will be sent to this address. It is University policy that faculty do not set up automatic forwarding of their faculty accounts for privacy/FERPA reasons. If you have trouble with your password or email you may contact the Faculty IITS Help Desk.
Faculty Center: Kellogg 2400, Ext. 4019
The Faculty Center serves all university faculty (tenure-track and lecturers). Services include, however not limited to: New faculty Institute, Workshops, Professional Development Grants, Faculty Resources Library, and Faculty Center Conference Room.
IITS: Kellogg 2013, Ext. 4790
Instructional & Information Technology Services (IITS) is responsible for the management and support of technology throughout campus, including the hardware and software that defines our technology infrastructure in classrooms and offices.
CSUSM uses a web-based system called Peoplesoft, aka myCSUSM. There are two main functions of PeopleSoft; 1) an HR function where you can view and update all of your HR information, and 2) course/student management information. Access includes: class rosters, grade submissions, and permission codes (which students need to add a course after the semester begins). Use your campus user ID and password.
Parking Permits: PSB 63, Ext. 7500
Faculty/Staff may purchase parking permits in the Parking and Commuter Services office. Prior to a new employee purchasing Faculty/Staff parking permits, Parking Services must have computer‐generated verification from the hiring department. Cost of long term and semester parking permits vary by bargaining unit, please contact Parking and Commuter Services for current prices.
Textbook Order/Adopt
Textbooks are available for order or adoption via the University Bookstore.
CSUSM Identification Card: Kellogg 2100, Ext. 4370
Faculty Photo Identification cards are required to conduct business at Cal State San Marcos. You may have your photo ID taken at the Kellogg Library Media Center (second floor), Mon‐Fri 8:00‐4:30. Bring your driver's license or other identification with you. A fee will be assessed to replace identification cards.
SOE Specific Resources
Business Cards
Business cards are available to SOE Faculty through special order. Please complete the form and return to soe@csusm.edu
Two multi‐function copiers are available on the 4th floor of University Hall (Suite 431 and Suite 468) for School of Education Faculty. Faculty and Lecturers will be assigned access to the copier closest to their office. In order to access the photocopier, you will need to obtain a copier code from the SOE Academic Support or Ext. 4300.
Mailboxes and Mail
Faculty mailboxes for the School of Education are located in University Hall 422. Outgoing mail may be deposited in the labeled bin underneath the SOE mailbox counter, which picks up regularly Monday-Friday, prior to 11:00 am. In addition, there is an USPS mailbox in Craven Circle which picks up later in the day and should also be used for personal outgoing mail. Mail supplies are available from the SOE Support Staff.