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Sexual Violence Advocacy & Prevention

On Sexual Assault 

Anyone can be a victim or survivor of rape or sexual assault. 

Rape is an act of non-consensual sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal) that may or may not involve coercion, the threat of force, violence, immediate and unlawful bodily injury or threats of future retaliation and duress. 

Sexual assault is broader in definition than rape. Any non-consensual sexual act may be sexual assault. This could include unwanted touching on an intimate area of a person’s body, unwanted oral intercourse, or penetration of the anus or vagina with a foreign object. Sexual assault can include unwanted kissing or bodily contact that is sexual in nature. 

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature in the workplace or learning environment. Sexual harassment does not always have to be specifically about sexual behavior or directed at a specific person. 

On Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault 

Alcohol is the number one date rape drug.  

We understand that CSUSM students are in college and that drinking and drunk sex are common. While we may understand how our own bodies react to alcohol, we cannot always accurately gauge how drunk someone else is - especially when they are a stranger. Keep this in mind when interacting with acquaintances or strangers at parties, because consent is even more important when both parties are under the influence. 

“Date rape” drugs such as GHB, Rohypnol, and Ketamine are incapacitating drugs and potent sedatives slipped into a drink that may render someone weak, helpless, or unconscious. Survivors are often unable to remember what happened. 

Drug   Description   Common Effects  Appearance 


GHB takes effect in about 15 minutes and can last 3 or 4 hours. It is very potent: A very small amount can have a big effect. 

Relaxation, drowsiness 

Dizziness, nausea, problems seeing, loss of consciousness (black out), seizures, can't remember what happened while drugged, problems breathing, tremors, sweating, vomiting, slow heart rate, and dream-like feeling. 

A liquid with no odor or color, white powder, and pill. It might give your drink a slightly salty taste. Mixing it with a sweet drink, such as fruit juice, can mask the salty taste. 


The effects of Rohypnol can be felt within 30 minutes of being drugged and can last for several hours. If you are drugged, you might look and act like someone who is drunk. You might have trouble standing. Your speech might be slurred. Or you might pass out. 

Muscle relaxation or loss of muscle control, difficulty with motor movements, drunk feeling, problems talking, nausea, can't remember what happened while drugged, loss of consciousness (black out), confusion, problems seeing, dizziness, sleepiness, and lower blood pressure. 

Comes as a pill that dissolves in liquids. Some are small, round, and white. Newer pills are oval and green-gray in color. When slipped into a drink, a dye in these new pills makes clear liquids turn bright blue and dark drinks turn cloudy. 


Ketamine is very fast-acting. You might be aware of what is happening to you, but unable to move. It also causes memory problems. Later, you might not be able to remember what happened while you were drugged. 

Distorted perceptions of sight and sound, lost sense of time and identity, out of body experiences, dream-like feeling, feeling out of control, impaired motor function, problems breathing, convulsions, vomiting, memory problems, numbness, loss of coordination, aggressive or violent behavior, depression, high blood pressureand slurred speech. 

Comes as a liquid and a white powder. 


Methaqualone is a sedative-hypnotic drug that is similar in effect to barbiturates, a general central nervous system depressant. 

Euphoria, drowsiness, reduces heart rate, reduces respiration, increases sexual arousal, paresthesia (numbness of the fingers and toes), slurred speech, headache, photophobia (excessive sensitivity to light) 

Comes as a tablet or capsule.  

There are some things we can do to be proactive in our safety:   

  • Be aware of where your drink is and never leave it unattended.  
  • If someone is pressuring you to drink, don’t be afraid to say no.  
  • Alcoholic punch drinks like jungle juice contain a lot of alcohol,  
  • Have a friend and a plan to get home.  
  • Let your friends know what you want to do that night - even so far as to let them know if you do or don’t want to hook up with someone. 

How will I know if I’ve been drugged? 

If you notice any of the following warning signs in yourself or someone you know, reach out to someone you trust immediately: 

  • Nausea 
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Feeling drunk when you haven’t consumed any alcohol or very limited amounts 
  • Sudden increase in dizziness, disorientation, or blurred vision 
  • Sudden body temperature change that could be signaled by sweating or chattering teeth 
  • Waking up with no memory, or missing large portions of memories 

More information about Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault.