Procurement FAQs
- When do I need to complete a Sole Source form?
Sole source purchases on a non-competitive basis will require a Sole Source/Brand Request Form which includes written justification. The sole source/brand written justification should include:
Unique performance factors of the products specified
Why these factors are required
What other products have been evaluated and rejected, and why
Special circumstances requiring immediate action
The Sole Source/Brand Request Form must be attached to the submitted requisition in PeopleSoft.
- Where can I find additional information on Procurement and Contracts
See our CSUSM Corporation Procurement and Contract Guidelines for more information. - What shipping information/address should I use for purchases?
Proper addressing is essential to ensure accurate handling of your inbound overnight items, parcels and freight. Please use the correct format below for addressing your incoming shipments.
Recipient’s Name Dept., Bldg., Room # 441 La Moree Road San Marcos CA 92078-5017
OSP Purchases
- If using Sponsored Project funds, what additional information do I need to know?
Sponsored Project funds relating to grants and contracts, while subject to these guidelines, may be subject to additional restrictions of the funding agency. “Sponsored Project Funds” are funds that the CSUSM Corporation may receive through grants, external funds, and third party contracts. These funds must be spent in accordance with the gift conditions, grant requirements, and/or contract terms.
For additional information related us using Sponsored Project funds and Uniform guidance, see our CSUSM Corporation Procurement and Contract Guidelines.
Contracts and Agreements
- When is a Contract necessary?
- Any vendor or company anticipated to render services or provide products to CSUSM Corporation or affiliates are required to enter a contract with CSUSM Corporation including single-day services, Independent Contractors, and Guest Lecturers.
Contracts are necessary for all vendors who anticipate coming to the CSUSM campus or affiliated properties.
Contracts are required when the vendor is being offered exclusivity as well as if they participated in a Request for Proposal or Request for Quotation process.
- How do I create a contract?
Start with creating the Requisition and CSUSM Corporation will determine the type of contract that is needed, based on the information in the requisition. The requisition should include the following information.
a Supplier (if you have not used this particular company in the past, they may not be setup as a supplier in the system yet. Please have them complete a 204 Payee Data Record)
a complete description
the scope of work
the term of the agreement
other applicable items such as schedules and exhibits, and insurance if required.
- What are the different types of Agreements?
(1) Lease Agreements A lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions for use of a property not owned by the lessee.
(2) Licensing Agreements Licensing agreements outline the terms of use for physical, intellectual, or branded property owned by one party.
(3) Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) A memorandum of understanding is a formal understanding between two or more parties to establish official partnerships and often times shared goals.
(4) Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) A non-disclosure agreement is a confidentiality agreement which one party agrees to not disclose confidential information to others and are often used to protect intellectual property or sensitive information.
(5) Product & Goods Agreements Agreements for products and goods are used to contract with a vendor to supply items over an agreed period of time.
(6) Service Agreements Service agreements are contracts that specify the services and expectations of service from one party to another, often including a pricing agreement and term lengths. Examples of service agreements include independent contractors and guest lecturers.