Your  Account:

Financial Operations


CSUSM Corporation engages in a range of business operations and services for the campus community including property management, contract & agreement maintenance and negotiation, campus programs, and more. 

Accounting Operations

CSUSM Corporation Accounting Operations works in collaboration with CSUSM Fiscal Services, Accounts Payable, Student Financial Services, and Procurement to provide fiscal and transactional support for CSUSM Corporation and The Foundation programs.

Please see the CSUSM Fiscal Services web pages for more information.

Petty Cash and Direct Pay

The Petty Cash form should only be used for reimbursements under $50.  The Petty Cash form is submitted to Once approved, it is then returned to the individual who takes it to CSUSM Cashiers Office to receive their cash reimbursement.

The Direct Pay form can be used to reimburse an individual from a department’s project without the establishment of a purchase order. This form should be submitted to Please refer to the form for a complete list of qualifying items.

Sponsored Projects require analyst approval from CSUSM Corporation before processing the Petty Cash or Direct Pay Forms.

CSUSM Corporation Procurement

CSUSM Corporation has procurement and contracts policies procedures in place to guide users through the nuances of terms & conditions, contract set up and management, procard purchases and reconciliation, and requisitions and purchase orders. For details on each of these, please visit the CSUSM Corporations Procurement page.

Gift Cards

Gift cards may be purchased using CSUSM Corporation funds for recognition of students, faculty, staff, or incentives for individuals who participate or volunteer in events or activities in support of University programs. The use of gift cards must comply with the mission of CSUSM Corporation and CSUSM and adhere to the CSUSM Corporation Public Relations Fund and Hospitality Policies.  For gift card requests and information on gift card purchasing, please refer to the Gift Card Page.