Gift Cards
Gift Card Updates as of 11/20/2020 - What's Changed?
- Hospitality FormAll gift card requests must be accompanied by a completed Hospitality Form. The only exception is if your request includes an IRB approval.
- Acknowledgement Form for EmployeesIf the recipient of gift cards is a CSUSM or auxiliary employee, when signing the Gift Card Log at time of distribution they must also complete a Gift Card Acknowledgement Form for tax purposes. This form must be submitted to CSUSM Corporation along with the Gift Card Log once all cards are distributed.
- Gift Card Request Form
1. The form will still be filled out in Microsoft forms, but will now route through Adobe Sign for approvals, with a few key clarifications to the form to make it easier to fill out. Want to see a walkthrough of the new form? Form Walkthrough.
2. Now that the form routes through Adobe Sign, requesters and approvers have the opportunity to add attachments to the form.
- Purchasing Procedures
1. The purchasing procedures have been updated to include new information for storing electronic gift cards/codes. Requesters will now reach out to IITS to set up a secure SharePoint Site for the storage of these cards/codes.
2. We have added a chart detailing the approvers for the gift card request form. There have been some changes to the approval dollar thresholds.
Gift Card Purchasing Procedure
Please review our GIFT CARD PURCHASING PROCEDURE for complete information on the gift card purchasing process and reimbursement.
The use of gift cards must comply with the mission of CSUSM Corporation and CSUSM and adhere to all CSUSM Corporation policies and procedures. Gift cards purchased with Sponsored Project funds must also follow state and federal regulations as applicable.
Departments should make an attempt to purchase gift cards from CSUSM Corporation partners (ex. Follett and Sodexo). Visit Commercial Services for a complete list of partners.
Gift Card Request Form
Gift Card Request Form Sample Request Form - Walkthrough
Required Approvals
The following approvals need to be correctly listed on the Gift Card Request Form by the requester. Failure to enter these properly will require re-submission of the request:
Title | 85xxx Projects | 81xxx and 86xxx Projects |
Supervisor* | Always Approving | Always Approving |
Fiscal Authority* | Always Approving | Always Approving |
Sponsored Projects Analyst* | Always Approving | |
Director of Sponsored Projects** | Approving if single card is ≥ $150 and over or total purchase is ≥ $2500. | |
CSUSM Corporation Admin** | Always Approving | |
Executive Director of CSUSM Corporation** | Approving if single card is ≥ $150 and over or total purchase is ≥ $2500. |
*Requesters will enter the email addresses for these individuals on the form.
**Requesters will not need to enter the email addresses for these individuals on the form.
Related policies, procedures, and guidance:
- Gift Card Distribution Log Template (PDF) or (Excel)
- CSUSM Fringe Benefit Tax Acknowledgement Form
- CSUSM Hospitality Policy & Hospitality Form
- CSUSM Consent Form Language Requirements
- CSUSM Corporation Public Relations Funds Policy
- CSUSM Corporation Records Retention Policy
- CSUSM Cash Handling Policy
Request Form and Purchasing
- Can I request multiple gift cards from multiple companies in one request?Yes, while filling out the gift card request form you can request multiple gift cards from multiple companies.
- Who do I contact if I need to see where my Gift Card Request is in the approval process?Please contact with any questions you have on the process.
- How can I cancel a Gift Card Request?You can email to cancel the request for you.
- Can I request more gift cards if I have not submitted a log from a previous request?New gift card requests for the same project will not be reviewed until recipient logs from previous requests have been submitted to CSUSM Corporation, unless approved by the CSUSM Corporation Executive Director or designee.
- My cards will be distributed over a period of a few months, should I submit more than
one request for these?You can submit one request for cards with various distribution dates. While flling out the gift card request form, list each date in which each card will be distributed under dates of distribution.
- What should I do if a card is lost or misused?Please contact if a card is lost or it is discovered to be misused.
- How do I get an exemption to the Gift Card Purchasing Procedure?
In order to get an exemption to the purchasing procedure. the requester must complete this memo and provide as much detail as possible. Please send the completed memo to the central CORP email at for review and routing for approval. If approved, the requester will then attach the approved memo to the gift card request.
Exemptions are reviewed on a case by case basis and only granted in certain circumstances.
Gift Card Distribution Log
- If my recipients are confidential or anonymous, do I still need to complete the log?
Yes, you will still need to complete the top portion of the Gift Card Distribution Log.
- Confidential studies – The recipient names may be redacted from the gift card distribution log and assigned enrollment identification numbers and/or codes, such as Participant A, B, C, etc. The top portion of the gift card distribution log must be completed and signed, however the distribution documentation may be maintained in another format or obtained from a third party vendor as long as it reflects the same information as the gift card log template (with the exception of names and relationship to CSUSM). A key document, such as a study log, that cross-references the name of the subject and their enrollment identification number and/or code must be created by the PI, maintained in a secure location, and available for audit.
- Anonymous studies – The PI must provide proof that incentive payments were made to human subjects or participants equal/reconcile to the number of cards purchased. This proof must be from an original source of record, i.e. a report generated by a third party survey company, or document that is signed by another individual, other than the requester, involved in the distribution of incentive payments. The top portion of the gift card log must be completed in the gift card template and signed, however the distribution documentation may be maintained in another format or obtained from a third party vendor as long as it reflects the same information in the gift card log template (with the exception of names and relationship to CSUSM).
- If cards get disbursed on different dates do I submit logs separately?If they are within the same Gift Card Request form, and within the same month, you can submit one log for the gift cards.
- How do I obtained Recipient Signatures if my Gift Cards are sent electronically?For Electronic Gift Cards (usually sent through email), you must obtain an email response from the recipient confirming they have received the card. These emails must be attached to your completed Gift Card Distribution Log.
- What do I do if Gift Cards don’t end up getting disbursed/picked up?You will make note of that on the top portion of the gift card distribution log and notify CSUSM Corporation by emailing
- Where do I send the gift card distribution log?You will send it to
- Can I add attachments to the gift card log?Yes, you can add event flyers, sign-in sheets, and any other supporting documentation.