Goods, Services and IT Purchases
- Goods
Main or sole purpose of buying tangible items, such as equipment, parts, supplies, or other merchandise. If services are to be provided as well, the dollar value associated with purchase of the goods must be greater than the dollar value of the services that will be provided.
- Services
Any work performed wherein the service rendered does not consist primarily of the acquisition of good. This does NOT include Information Technology services or Public Works projects, but does include contracts for maintenance tasks for the routine, reoccurring and usual work for the preservation, protection, and keeping of any publicly owned or operated facility.
- Information Technology Resources (IT)
Equipment, material and services used for electronic storage, processing or transmitting of any data or information, as well as the data or information itself. Consider the predominant purpose or value of the activity and whether information technology skills and knowledge are involved as the primary purpose of the contract or whether such knowledge and skills are used to further an overarching purpose.
ITR approval form is required with the requisition and/or the ProCard purchase. ITR Approval form
Software may be purchased via ProCard if all the following criteria are met:
- InfoSec Risk Level is “Low” on the ITR Approval;
- Data Type is “No Sensitive Data” on the ITR Approval; and
- The cost is less than $2,500.