ProCard Mission
The ProCard Program is designed to improve the efficiency, flexibility and convenience related to purchasing low-dollar/high-volume transactions for goods, supplies and approved offsite services. The ProCard Program distributes low-risk procurement authority throughout all CSUSM business units. The program is available to permanent employees and long-term temporary employees with a position appointment of at least six months.
Obtaining a ProCard
Prior to requesting a ProCard, please read through the ProCard Manual. To request a ProCard, please complete the Adobe Sign ProCard Agreement Form. Review the ProCard Training PowerPoint prior to using your card.
- ProCard Agreement & Change Form
(Select: FA-Accounts_Payable-ProCard_Agreement_Form)*
Monthly Reconciliation
For each month that your ProCard is in use, you are required to submit a reconciliation packet, which consolidates all purchase information including approving official approval, all receipts, tax accrual information if applicable, and lack of itemized receipt information if applicable.
- CSUSM Corporation ProCard Reconciliation and Finding Submittal Form
- CSUSM & Foundation ProCard Reconciliation and Finding Submittal Form
Temporary ProCard Limit Increase
If you need to make a purchase above your Single Purchase Limit or your Monthly Credit Limit, please submit the following form to request a Temporary ProCard Limit Increase.
Other Forms
- Lack of Itemized Receipt
- Tax Accrual Form
- Fraudulent Charge Documentation Form
- Information Technology Review Process
Reconciliation Guide and Tutorials
This online tutorial will guide you through the monthly process of reconciling your ProCard and printing your statement. In order to view the tutorial you will need to key in your campus credentials when prompted.