Other Resources
Ergonomic Support Tools & Equipment (ESTE) Program
- Certain support tools and equipment items are helpful in addressing a particular ergonomic need, while also enhancing comfort during the performance of work tasks.
- As part of the ESTE program, specific items may be obtained for use by eligible CSUSM State, Auxiliary or Corporate on-campus and telecommuting employees, to serve as a preventative measure for mitigating potential injuries.
- Reimbursements/rebates are provided to CSUSM departments via designed ergonomic related funds. Items designated for telecommuter use can be shipped to the employee's home office location (if desired).
- Eligible ESTE items may include:
- Anti-Fatigue Mat
- Chair (specified for telecommuters)
- CPU Holder
- Extended Keyboard Worksurface/Keyboard Tray
- Keyboards (preferably wireless)
- Height Adjustable Legs (for on-campus users)
- Height Adjustable Table/Desk Configurations (for telecommuters)
- Monitor Arm(s)
- Mouse
- Task Light (ergonomic-style only)
- Specified support tool and/or equipment items (costing more than $100) receive a 50% rebate. The Home Office Seating or the Home Office Height Adjustable Table document(s) should be used (whichever applicable).
- Support tool items (costing less than $100) are not eligible for reimbursement.
- Utilize following process to acquire support tool/equipment items and receive a reimbursement:
- Ensure employee has received an Ergonomic Evaluation (in-person assessment or virtual consultation) within the last three years.
- Upon receipt and/or installation of equipment item(s), download/print and fill out the Ergonomic Support Tool & Equipment Reimbursement Form (normally completed by the budget coordinator or manager).
- Attach applicable receipts/invoices for items identified on the ESTE Form and submit all documents to SH&S using any of the following methods:
- Email to ergonomics@csusm.edu.
- Intra-campus mail to Safety, Health & Sustainability (SH&S).
Note: ESTE funds are available until April 15th of the current Fiscal Year, or when monies are depleted (whichever comes first).
FY 23/24 Funds Notice
We are sorry to inform you that ESTE Funds have depleted for FY 23/24.