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Lab Coat Program

SH&S manages the ordering, distribution, and laundering of lab coats for staff and faculty on campus. If you need to be sized for a lab coat or would like to request lab coats, please send an email to

Lab coats are picked up for laundering and returned every other week by Mission Linen. SH&S will routinely collect soiled coats from the designated locations listed below. Please do not deposit any lab coats without a Mission Linen ID barcode on the collar (e.g. student coats) as they may not be returned. In addition, please empty all pockets before depositing.

To ensure your coats are cleaned and returned to you in the timeliest manner possible, place your soiled coat(s) in the hamper at a designated location no later than Wednesday of Mission Linen’s scheduled pick-up week. Please refer to the information below.

Designated Locations for Soiled Lab Coats

Building Room Description
Science Hall 1 112 In front of shelf 3 and 4.
213 In the back, next to the coat rack.
 Science Hall 2 154 In front of the coat rack.
349 Next to the safety shower.

Lab Coat Laundry Schedule 2024*:

  • January
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    1/3 1/19
    1/17 2/2
    1/31 2/16
  • February
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    2/14 3/1
    2/28 3/15
  • March
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    3/13 3/29
    3/27 4/12
  • April
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    4/10 4/26
    4/24 5/10
  • May
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    5/8 5/24
    5/22 6/7
  • June
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    6/5 6/21
    6/19 7/5
  • July
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    7/3 7/19
    7/17 8/2
    7/31 8/16
  • August
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    8/14 8/30
    8/28 9/13
  • September
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    9/11 9/27
    9/25 10/11
  • October
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    10/9 10/25
    10/23 11/8


  • November
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    11/6 11/22
    11/20 12/6
  • December
    Wednesday to deposit coats: Your coat(s) will return on Friday:
    12/4 12/20
    12/18 1/3

*Mission Linen’s pick-up/drop-off dates are subject to change without notice. SH&S will do its best to keep this schedule as accurate and up-to-date as possible.