Radiation Safety
Radioactive material (sealed or unsealed sources) and radiation producing devices (such as X-ray units) are important tools in research and educational activities. California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM) has a specific license granted by the California Department of Health Services, Radiologic Health Branch (RHB). The University is permitted to receive, possess, store, use, transfer, import, and dispose of radioactive material and radiation producing devices.
All use of radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines is governed by the
provisions of Title 17 (California Code of Regulations Title 17), 10 CFR 20 (Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Chapter 1 part 20) and any additional provisions
given in the Radiation Safety Manual.
The Campus program is implemented by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and the Radiation
Safety Committee. The RSO and the Radiation Safety Committee Chair(s) are named specifically
on the University's license and approved by the RHB. The RSO and the Principal Investigator
(PI) is personally responsible for compliance with University and governmental regulations
as they pertain to his/her authorized use of radioisotopes.
If you plan to work with radioactive materials at CSUSM you will need to be approved
by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), then complete Radiation Safety training. Within
this document exists a essential resources for this program. If you should have any
question or concerns dealing with radiation safety, please contact the Radiation Safety
Officer at SH&S.
Regina Frasca
(760) 750-4502
In Case of Spill
- Radiation Safety Manual 2016 Guiding document that sets the policies, organization, operating procedures and standards of conduct in the radiation safety program
- Radiation Safety Training Listing of our next scheduled training dates
- Self Administered Radiation Training If you are a new user, this training should be given by the P.I. to all new users. Radiation Safety Training should be scheduled with SH&S at the earliest possible convenience.
- Documentation for Research Assistants
- Annual training
- Radiation Producing Machines User Training 2012
- Radiation Producing Machines Training Manual 2012
- Notice to Employees
- Radiation Use Authorization (RUA) Form that is used to authorize usage of radioactive materials.
- RUA Amendment Request Renewal or amendment an existing RUA's.
- Isotope Inventory Tracks aliquots and survey information for a particular vial.
- Science Hall Survey Maps
- Room 106
- Room 210
- Room 214
- Room 309 & 309B
Radioactive Waste tags are available from the SH&S office if needed. Call x4502 for service.