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LEAP Program

The LEAP (Leadership, Ethics, Awareness, Professionalism) is a programmed designed for ASI student employees, representatives, and volunteers to continue their development in professionalism and leadership through a series of workshops. These workshops are facilitated by staff & faculty at CSUSM as well as professionals in the surrounding community, who become resources for our students as they prepare for their journey beyond graduation. 

LEAP Learning Outcomes. Students will be able to:

  • utilize values and principles to make purposeful decisions regarding balance among education, work, and leisure
  • communicate a mission, vision, or purpose that encourages commitment and action in others 
  • assess, critique, and improve the quality of one's work and one's work environment
  • identify systemic barriers to equality and inclusiveness, then advocate and justify means for dismantling them
  • construct a resume based on clear job objectives and with evidence of knowledge, skills, and abilities

Fall 2022 LEAP Workshop Schedule

Spring 2023 Workshop Schedule

Tracking Forms 

Leap Tracking Form: This form is used by ASI student employees after attending a LEAP session to record their attendance and gather feedback.

Monday-Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed