Monday-Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) is the official voice for over 17,000 students here at CSUSM. A key component of the mission of ASI is to advocate for services, programs, and protections that meet needs of our campus community. Our formal way to establish ASI’s official stance on an issue is via resolution. This is a document that requires a majority vote to approve and is the express voice, interest, hopes, and desires of that student body.
Your student body representatives work in conjunction with university leaders, student advocates, and campus partners to develop a document that best represents the official voice of CSUSM students on a particular issue.
Below you can find past ASI approved resolutions.
Resolutions Process
We are diligent in our efforts to make a formal decision on how to best represent the student voice here at CSUSM. So, we have a process in ASI to create a document to do that.
First, a idea about an issue brought up.These ideas can come from but not limited to committee work, campus events, conversations about serving students, student experiences on campus, etc. Next, an ASI Board Member or executive team member brings idea for BOD formal stance on an issue in order to get a pulse on student interest and buy-in. From there, the BOD member works with Vice President of Student & University Affairs (VP SUA) on a draft document. The VP SUA is charged with leading resolutions efforts via our ASI Bylaws.
A resolution should include historical information and context regarding importance of issue within whereas clauses as well as action steps and recommendations for action within the resolved clauses. Whereas clauses should include reference materials including any research relevant to and for the issue. This does take time but we want to make sure we have the most polished and well thought-out document. ASI utilizes an official template for all ASI resolutions.
From there, the ASI Vice President meets regularly with author(s) during resolution document drafting. Once they come to final draft, document is sent to ASI executive team, ASI Executive Director and other BOD advisors for review and feedback. Document might also need to be sent to CSUSM Office of Communications, Vice President of Student Affairs, and/or ASI Legal counse depending on topics and resolved clauses.
Resolutions will typically follow this process and timeline:
- Draft goes to Student Advocacy Committee for first read through and feedback with committee.
- If resolution has financial impact or structure change for ASI, document should go to Internal Operations Committee.
- Final document goes back to Student Advocacy Committee for final read through and approval.
- Final document then goes to ASI Board of Directors for final read through and review for approval.
- Final resolution is signed by ASI President and posted on ASI website.
2024/2025 Academic Year
2023/2024 Academic Year
2021/2022 Academic Year
- Support for the Expansion of Mental Health Resources for CSUSM
- Support for Increasing Lactation Rooms and Student Parent Resources at CSUSM
- Support for the Creation of the Veterans Promise Program
2018/2019 Academic Year
2017/18 Academic Year
2016/17 Academic Year
- Support of the Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus Implementation Task Force
- Support of a Fully-Funded CSU
- Support of Affordable Learning Materials
2015/16 Academic Year
- Support of a Black/African American Student Resource Center
- Support California Faculty Association Actions for a Fair Wage
- Support of the CSUSM Sustainability Fee
- Support of a CSUSM Food Pantry
2014/15 Academic Year
2013/14 Academic Year
2012/13 Academic Year
- Support of Governor Brown's Tax Initiative Proposal
- Call on the Board of Trustees to Edit all CSU-Affiliated Applications to be Gender Inclusive