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ASI Fee Information

Who is ASI?

Associated Students, Inc. is a nonprofit auxiliary organization of the university. The mission of ASI is to serve, engage, and empower the students of CSU San Marcos. ASI serves as the student voice on campus through advocacy efforts and representation in shared governance. Students automatically become members of ASI when they pay their mandatory student fees at the time of registration.

What is the ASI fee?

ASI recently passed a fee referendum raising the ASI student fee from $50 to $75 per academic term beginning with the Fall 2017 term.

ASI currently supports:

  • The ASI Board of Directors—the student-elected government that serves as the student voice on campus via participation in university committees and state-wide advocacy.
  • Campus Activities Board programs and events such as Alternative Spring Break, CougarFest, Movie Nights, and more! the The sense of Cougar Pride is at an all-time high. With funding through the fee referendum, ASI dedicated funding to events and programs that foster increased pride in being a CSUSM Cougar!
  • Employment for 45 student positions.
  • Student Emergency Fund, which helps students who have faced catastrophic events.
  • Large Scale Campus Events. ASI works vigorously to provide programs and events to engage the student body. Moving forward, we will be focused on large-scale, on-campus events such as concerts, festivals, and more.
  • An On-Campus Food Pantry. In a survey conducted on campus in early 2016, over 50% of student respondents reported that they have experienced symptoms of food insecurity.
  • Student Sustainability Initiatives which allocates funds to provide support for essential educational experiences and activitiesaimed at sustainability that aid and supplement the fundamental educational mission of CSUSM. 

CSUSM Mandatory Category II Fees

CSUSM Students must pay Category II Fees in order to enroll and to attend classes.  Each of the Fees were created (and, as necessary, adjusted) through one of two mechanisms: (i) fee referendum or (ii) alternative consultation.  Each process involves student review and approval.  No Category II Fees at CSUSM have been created or charged without input from students. 

This web page does not address expenses that the campus incurred to implement COVID-19 safety and health protocols or to facilitate the transition to and implementation of remote learning.   

You can learn more about Category II Fees by reviewing the following resources:

Or learn more here about the ASI Student Fee Project