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Tukwut Leadership Awards Night


Tukwut Leadership Awards Night (TLAN) recognizes individuals, as well as campus and student groups, for their outstanding leadership and commitment to making student life thrive at CSUSM. Associated Students, Inc. is a proud sponsor of an event that highlights the work of campus leaders who, through service to our community, engagement in campus growth, and empowerment of future generations, leave a legacy at CSUSM. Winners are selected by the Awards Committee, which is comprised of different representation of campus areas.

Check out the winners below from our 2024 celebration event! 


Nominations are now open and Close March 21st at 5:00pm Nominate Now

And while you are here, considering nominating individuals for the The Cathy Baur Student Philanthropy Award. This award recognizes a CSUSM student, or student group, who has been highly engaged in philanthropic activities and/or has demonstrated leadership by supporting or implementing a fundraising program. Winner will be presented at our TLAN event.

Award Categories & Previous Winners

Best New Student Organization 

Newly recognized by Student Leadership & Involvement Center in current academic year. If the organization previously existed at CSUSM, it could not be active for the past academic year.

Best New Student Organization Winners
Year Organization
Minecraft Club
No nominations submitted 
2021/2022 No nominations submitted 
2020/2021 Chemistry & Biology Pre-Grad Society 
2019/2020 CSUSM Men's Volleyball Club
2018/2019 CSUSM Powerlifting
2017/2018 U in US
2016/2017 CSUSM Cheer Club
2015/2016 American Association of University Women
2014/2015 Women's Soccer
2013/2014 Colleges Against Cancer

Most Outstanding Program/Event

An outstanding program/event which promoted cougar pride and enhanced campus life this year.

Outstanding Programs & Events Winners
Year Program/Event
2023/2024 Student Organization:  No Nominations Submitted 
Campus Organization: Chingona Fest - Women & Gender Equity Center and Latinx Center
Student Organization:  American Chemical Society - Better than Magic Chemistry Show
Campus Organization: No Nominations Submitted 
2021/2022 Student Organization:  GameFest - CSUSM Esports Club 
Campus Organization: Brazilian Caraval - Latin@/x Center and Black Student Center 
2020/2021 Student Organization:  Gaming Expo - CSUSM Esports Club 
Campus Organization: Food Distributions - ASI Cougar Pantry 
2019/2020 Student Organization: Comunication Society Meeting - Communication Society 
Campus Organization: Step Show – Student Life & Leadership and Black Student Center
2018/2019 Dig for a Cause - CSUSM Women's Volleyball Club
2017/2018 Festival 78 - ASI Campus Activities Board and University Student Union
2016/2017 Cougar Madness - ASI
2015/2016  Inside Out Movie Event - HOPE & Wellness Center 
2014/2015 NAK Drag Show - Nu Alpha Kappa 
2013/2014 Tunnel of Oppression - University Student Union Activities Board (USUAB)
2012/2013 Tunnel of Oppression - University Student Union Activities Board (USUAB)

Campus Organization Member of the Year

Individual who has excelled in membership as part of a Campus Organization, which is sponsored by a CSUSM department.

Campus Org Member of the Year Winners
Year Member of the Year
2023/2024 USU Live! – Jessica Hernandez
Ilianna Ramirez - ASI Board of Directors
2021/2022 Annie Fenton - USU Live
2020/2021 Riley McLaughlin - ASI Cougar Pantry 
2019/2020 Michelle Tran – ASI Board of Directors 
2018/2019 Julianna Castro - ASI Campus Activities Board
2017/2018 Jacqueline Catechis - ASI Campus Activities Board
2016/2017 Caitlin Hernandez - University Student Union
2015/2016 Aeriell Woodhams - University Student Union
2014/2015 Katilin Sweeney - Cougar Chronicle
2013/2014 Dmitri Ranieri - University Student Union Activities Board (USUAB)
2012/2013  Sammi Carr - The Civility Campaign

Campus Organization of the Year

An organization sponsored by a CSUSM department that has shined this past year.

Campus Orgs of the Year Winners
Year Campus Organization
2023/2024 USU Live!
HOPE & Wellness Center
2021/2022 No nominations submitted 
2020/2021 ASI Cougar Pantry 
2019/2020 CSUSM HOPE and Wellness Center
2018/2019 USULive! 
2017/2018 University Student Union Activities Board
2016/2017 TLC - Peer Leadership Team
2015/2016 Pride Ambassadors
2014/2015 University Student Union Activities Board
2013/2014 Associated Students, Inc. Gender Equity Center

Student Organization Member of the Year

Individual who has excelled in membership as part of a Student Organization, which is recognized by Student Leadership & Involvement Center. Student Organization Classifications: Academic, Cultural, Fraternities & Sororities, Honor Societies, Political, Religious, Service, Special Interest, and Sport Clubs.

Student Org Member of the Year Winners
Year  Member of the Year
2023/2024 Austin Contreras - CSUSM Men's Lacrosse
2022/2023 Shyane Masters - Environmental Stewards Association
2021/2022 Madison Farfan - Management Society  
Theron Papakalos - CSUSM Baseball Club 
2020/2021 Joseph Jensen - CSUSM Speech & Debate Club
2019/2020 Jeremy Traub - Men's Lacrosse
2018/2019 Hanano Yamazaki - Circle K International
2017/2018 Anna Jensen - Women's Club Volleyball
2016/2017 Austin Grajek - Sigma Chi
2015/2016 Christine Cook - French Club
2014/2015 Craig Lavrenz - Model United Nations
2013/2014 Sydney Aldana - Alpha Omicron Pi
2012/2013 Elizabeth Royce - Alpha Xi Delta

Student Organization of the Year

An organization recognized by Student Leadership & Involvement Center that has shined this past year.

Student Org of the Year WInners
Year Student Organization of the Year
2023/2024 CSUSM Best Buddies
2022/2023 CSUSM Dance
2021/2022 American Indian Student Alliance
2020/2021 CSUSM Active Minds 
2019/2020 CSUSM Vietnamese Student Association
2018/2019 American Chemical Society (ACS)
2017/2018 Women's Club Volleyball
2016/2017 Women's Lacrosse Club
2015/2016 Accounting Society
2014/2015  Black Student Union
2013/2014 Alpha Omicron Pi
2012/2013 Men's Lacrosse 

Outstanding Social Justice Award

A student who inspires change, promotes solidarity, and empowers others to make a difference.

Social Justince Award Winners
Year Outstanding Social Justice Award
2023/2024 Erin Hila & Jenny Ramos
2022/2023 Dulce Jimenez
2021/2022 Kar Aguilar
2020/2021 Sunni Bates
2019/2020 Jaelyn Freeman 
2018/2019 Monia Romero
2017/2018 Yomira Zamora
2016/2017 Ana Lutz

Advisor of the Year

An individual who has excelled this year in serving as a volunteer advisor to a recognized student organization, who utilizes time outside of normal their role on campus to support the organization.

Advisor of the Year Winners
Year Advisor of the Year
2023/2024 Pen Lanese
2022/2023 Tracy Hall
2021/2022 Penny Lanese
2020/2021 Maritza Baida
2019/2020 Daniel Clark 
2018/2019 Dr. Robert Iafe
2017/2018 Justin Perron 
2016/2017 Michelle Vogel Trautt 
2015/2016 Amber Puha
2014/2015 Donna San Miguel 
2013/2014 Lisa Dickinson 
2012/2013 Dr. Elizabeth Matthews

Faculty of the Year

An individual who has excelled this year in serving and educating students in the classroom or in an educational setting.

Faculty of the Year Winners
Year Faculty of the Year
2023/2024 Marianna Corona
2022/2023 Dennis Kolosov
2021/2022 Hunter Brody Chanove
2020/2021 Kimber Quinney

Outstanding Freshman Student Award 

Individual [less than 30 semester units completed through Spring] who stands out in how they represent CSUSM and Cougar Pride, both on and off campus.

Outstanding Freshman Winners
Year Outstanding Freshman
2023/2024 Keelan Sotto
2022/2023 Jace Wasserman
2021/2022 No nominations were submitted
2020/2021 Karyme Segoviano Felix
2019/2020 Alexis Ferro
2018/2019 Alexis Ellgard
2017/2018 Mars Waddy
2016/2017 Maya Saulino
2015/2016 Naseli Fotoohi
2014/2015 Candela Delucchi
2013/2014 Kevin Adson
2012/2013 Hannah Hawker

Outstanding Sophomore Student Award

Individual [30-59 semester units completed through Spring] who stands out in how they represent CSUSM and Cougar Pride, both on and off campus.

Outstanding Sophomore Winners
Year Outstanding Sophomore
2023/2024 Mikaella Underwood
2022/2023 Luc Slater
2021/2022 Priscilla Al-Rayes
2020/2021 De'Mandre Biddle
2019/2020 Anastasia Zacky
2018/2019 Karissa Grier 
2017/2018 Kenneth Tran
2016/2017 Kelcee Fuderburg
2015/2016 Ryan Callanta 
2014/2015 Darniesha Thorton
2013/2014 Alex Caratti 
2012/2013 Katelyn Boggs 

Outstanding Junior Student Award

Individual [60-89 semester units complete through Spring] who stands out in how they represent CSUSM and Cougar Pride, both on and off campus.

Outstanding Junior Winners
Year Outstanding Junior
2023/2024 Raul Salazar
2022/2023 Jess Cervantes
2021/2022 Cassidy Lovell 
2020/2021 Alexis Ferro
2019/2020 Mikhail Elerdashvili
2018/2019 Shane Freyberger & Jeanie Maidona 
2017/2018 Alondra Gutierrez 
2016/2017 Emma Kirker 
2015/2016 Miguel Magana 
2014/2015 Kadie Heck 
2013/2014 Vivian Nguyen 
2012/2013 Hugo Pinales

Outstanding Senior Student Award

Individual [90+ semester units complete through Spring] who stands out in how they represent CSUSM and Cougar Pride, both on and off campus.

Outstanding Senior Winners
Year Outstanding Senior
2023/2024 Haley Lorenz
2022/2023 Lauren Mojarro & Rae'Bel Neary
2021/2022 Codie Sterner & Kyle Shimono
2020/2021 Jake Peirce
2019/2020 Shovan Vatandoust
2018/2019 Ivan Castanesa-Garcia 
2017/2018 Richard Ramirez & Stephen Vandereb 
2016/2017 Laura Marquez
2015/2016 Daniel Geiszler 

Cougar Wall of Fame

A graduating senior who has outshined peers during the entire scope of their CSUSM career including academics, co-curricular activities, involvement, and more. 

Cougar Wall of Fame Winners
Year Wall of Fame
2023/2024 Adrian Ligayon
2022/2023 Julia Glorioso
2021/2022 Fern Hernandez & Madison Conte
2020/2021 Riley McLaughlin & Kenny Tran 
2019/2020 Nathan Renderos & Jeanie Maidona
2018/2019 Armando Zaragoza
2017/2018 Laura Marquez & Itiyah Bat Yahweh Williams
2016/2017 Chris Morales & Victoria Sandoval 
2015/2016 Kadie Heck & Hannah Hawker  
2014/2015 Haley Perko, Dmitri Ranieri & Hugo Pinales
2013/2014 Dominica Ranieri, Cipriano Vargas & Arthur Silverstein III 
2012/2013 Scott Silviera & Kirstee Novak