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Become an Instructor

As a premier provider of quality education for professional and personal development, CSUSM Extended Learning continuously enhances partnership opportunities for instructors. We welcome you to join us in our mission to expand access to academic and instructional resources throughout the region.

CSUSM Faculty

Visit the CSUSM Faculty Career website to view all faculty openings and information.

Noncredit Professional Development 

Extended Learning's noncredit professional development programs include certificate programs, workshops, certification preparation programs, special topics and corporate training and are taught by CSUSM faculty, industry professionals and subject matter experts.

If you are interested in sharing your knowledge and expertise with our students, consider submitting an instructor application or course proposal for consideration.  Please contact Cathy Scavone at or 760-750-8706 for more information.

OSHER Lifeline Learning Institute (OLLI)

OLLI at CSUSM instructors are exclusively selected and have tremendous expertise and passion for their fields of study. Instructors include current and retired CSUSM faculty, faculty from other colleges and universities, experts in their respective fields, local authors and artists, medical professionals, and local law enforcement.

If you're interested in becoming an instructor, please contact Sherie Cambra at or (760) 750-8716 to learn more.