VA Benefits
Military members, veterans and dependents who would like to use their federal VA educational
benefits must submit a Student Responsibility Agreement (SRA), each term they want
to utilize their benefits. Once enrolled in classes, submit the following documents
to MVSO office, or to the Epstein Family Veterans Center.Federal VA educational benefits
can be used for credit degree programs and selected certificate programs.
The CalVet College Tuition Fee Waiver can not be applied to Extended Learning degrees, certificates, or courses.
*DD214: If currently still serving, DD214 is not needed
COE = Certificate of Eligibility
SRA = Student Responsibility Agreement
Contact Information
Epstein Family Veterans Center
Phone: (760) 750-4827
Email: veterans@csusm.edu
Website: www.csusm.edu/veterans
Extended Learning:
Phone: (760) 750-4004
Email: el.inquiry@csusm.edu