Executive Orders
As part of the CSU's Graduation Initiative 2025, two Executive Orders have been issued from the Chancellor's Office guiding the CSU's work on issues of academic preparation for all students. These recent policy changes outline new approaches for assessment, placement, and developmental education for first-year students.
Find more information about these policy changes below:
Early Start Revisions May 2019
CSUSM’s plans for Early Start courses were substantially revised this fall in direct response to requests from the Chancellor’s Office. CSUSM had successfully piloted courses combining Area E (GEL) with Math and Writing and did not think our campus needed approval to continue teaching them. When informed in late Fall 2018 by the Chancellor’s Office that CSUSM could not continue the existing curriculum, LTWR and Mathematics developed new Early Start courses to comply with EO 1110. Courses were approved by Senate in Spring 2019. CSUSM’s offerings for summer 2019 will serve Summer Bridge programs (ACE Scholars, CAMP, and EOP) as well as general populations of students in Categories 4 and 3 (required/recommended to participate in Early Start), including students who will enter CSUSM in the fall and those in the region who will enter other CSUs in the fall.
CSUSM Community Communications - May 2018
- CSUSM Communication to Faculty & Staff
- CSUSM Communication to K-12 Schools
- Multiple Measures Chart for Incoming First-Year Students