August 2018 Newsletter
August 2018
From the Dean's Desk
Welcome to the new academic year! I do hope you that each enjoyed a restorative summer. To our new faculty and graduate students who will be teaching, I want to extend a special welcome. The Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUGS) very much looks forward to our continued partnerships with you as together we work to support our students’ academic success.
With this newsletter, the OUGS team’s goal is simple: we encourage you to promote to your students the Centers for Learning and Academic Success Services (CLASS)—that is the Academic Success Center, Academic Success Center, Math Lab, STEM Student Success Center, and Writing Center—as appropriate in your courses. To assist, see the red box below with suggested language for your syllabi and Cougar Course containers.
Why? Check-out the video below! National and campus research show us that learning centers staffed by trained peer educators move the dial on students’ academic success. Peers are powerful complements to classroom instruction (e.g., Topping, K.J., 1996, 1998, 2005; Colvin, J.W., 2007; Corbett, LaFrance, and Decker, 2014). Last year, CSUSM students made more than 48,0000 visits to the centers. And we welcome more! On our campus, students who make five or more visits to a center during a semester tend to earn higher grades.
To those of you teaching first-year students, our campus research shows us that students’ academic success in the first semester is the most powerful predictor of graduation. Thank you for helping your students learn how to make participation in CLASS a habit. It is sure to serve them well.
Academic success requires engaged classroom learning plus support! Thank you to each of you for encouraging your students to experience the power of peer-supported learning on their journeys to graduation.
Cheers to an engaging year ahead,
ATTN FACULTY: Would you like to include language in your syllabi for one or more of the learning success centers? Check out our language suggestions!
Centers for Learning and Academic Success Services
Meet our Newest Team Members!
Over the past year, OUGS expanded its support for CSUSM students’ academic success thanks in large part to grants, several of which were faculty-led. We invite you to meet our newest staff who have joined us this past year.
Jackie Duerr, M.Ed.
Senior Co-Director of CLASS, Professional Programs, Humanities, Arts, Behavior and Social Sciences (PPHABSS)
Director, Academic Success Center
I am happy to join the CLASS team, coming from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo where I worked as the Coordinator of the Multicultural Engineering Program. My strengths are creating support programs for underserved students and transfer success.
- What part of your job is your favorite/what are you most looking forward to?I have been here for a very short time, but so far, I have enjoyed getting to know my team and colleagues, as well as brainstorming new ideas for the Academic Success Center. I’m looking forward to collaborating to create innovative, meaningful programs!
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?Work hard, play hard.
- What inspires you?Seeing students and teammates reach their goals is why I do what I do.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?I am always open to discussing how to help students reach their “light at the end of the tunnel,” whether it be through the ASC or anywhere within CSUSM. Come chat with me; let’s create something impactful together!
Contact Jackie at jduerr@csusm.edu.
Suzanne Hizer, Ed.D.
Senior Co-Director of CLASS; Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathmatics (STEM)
Director, STEM Student Success Center
Content hereI am a proud CSUSM alumna who came to campus in 1997 and never left! I have held many jobs on this campus as a researcher, lecturer, and staff. I love CSUSM and our shared dedication to student success.
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?Working with students.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- What inspires you?Watching students succeed at something they thought they couldn’t do.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?That even though I run a student academic assistance program, collaborations and involvement of faculty and staff across campus are critical to our mission and success.
Evan Smith, M.A.
Director, Writing Center
I am a CSUSM alumnus from both a Bachelor’s and Master’s program in Literature and Writing Studies. As a former Writing Center tutor and composition instructor, I am passionate about helping students write toward success!
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?I love working with students who work with students! Watching and helping peers engage one another in learning is both enriching and fascinating.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?Don't assign work you wouldn't do you yourself.
- What inspires you?Seeing experts do what they do best inspires me.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?I love collaborating. No idea is too big or too small!
Contact Evan at esmith@csusm.edu.
Sarah Gomez, M.S.
STEM Student Success Coordinator & McNair Student Advisor
I’m a parent, veteran, alumni that wants to empower those following behind me.
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?I love interacting with the students, and encouraging them to achieve their goals.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?Don’t give up, there are always people who will help you.
- What inspires you?Hope is my inspiration, because it breathes change.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?Regardless of the task, focused on the student, I will get the job done.
Contact Sarah at sgomez@csusm.edu.
Francine Singson, B.S.
STEM AmeriCorps VISTA, STEM Student Success Center
I am currently serving under AmeriCorps VISTA as the STEM Tutoring and Supplemental Program Project Coordinator at the STEM SSC. I recently moved here from Virginia after graduating with a Bachelor’s in Biology from Virginia Commonwealth University.
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?I am most looking forward to assisting in planning workshops that will work towards reducing the equity gap and barriers to academic success for underrepresented students, as well as learning more about the rich history of CSUSM.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?It is vital to show gratitude, and to try one's best to empathize with others.
- What inspires you?The idea of one day helping to eliminate the disparity in healthcare (especially mental health) and education in underserved populations inspires me greatly.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?One thing that faculty and staff should know about AmeriCorps VISTA is that our goal is serving as a catalyst for change, while living and working alongside community members, including that of CSUSM, to advance local solutions.
Contact Francince at fsingson@csusm.edu.
Ashley Gragido, M.Ed.
Student Success Facilitator, Office of Undergraduate Studies
I am a passionate student advocate that believes in students using their voices! I have my Master’s in Counseling and about to start my Doctorate in Educational Policy & Leadership with a focus on Diversity and Equity in Education.
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?Advocating for students. I like to fight the good fight.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?We cannot will someone to desire something for themselves though we see their potential. All we can do is best support others in their journeys and perhaps we can help be catalysts for positive change.
- What inspires you?I am inspired by others’ resiliency. I love witnessing students make connections and associations that allow them to overcome their academic and/or personal challenges.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?I wear many hats and collaborate with many departments. If you are ever unsure of where to refer a student or advise them on withdrawing from a course – I am happy to help!
Contact Ashley at agragido@csusm.edu.
Tasos Lazarides, Ph.D.
Academic Innovation Specialist, Office of Undergraduate Studies
I am from Cyprus, a tiny island half-a-world away. I have a Ph.D. in literature, a degree and training in engineering, and I have been working as a mobile gaming journalist, experiences that allow me to help students explore interdisciplinary pathways.
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?I enjoy discovering new ways to make education more engaging and personalized for our students.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?Oftentimes, the best project is a completed project.
- What inspires you?Seeing students realize they have much more potential than they previously realized really inspires me.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?Given the interdisciplinary nature of my job and my training, I enjoy collaborating with staff and faculty across campus—so don’t hesitate to reach out with ideas or questions!
Contact Tasos at tlazarides@csusm.edu.
Ray Malforvan-Borja, Ph.D.
TRIO McNair Project Coordinator, TRIO McNair Scholars Program
I am half-Mexican & half-Chamorro. I am also a proud alum of Palomar Community College, CSU San Marcos, and the University of Washington.
- What part of your current job is your favorite or what are you most looking forward
to?I really enjoy working with students and seeing them realize that their intellectual potential is nearly limitless.
- What’s the greatest bit of advice a mentor has ever given to you?The best advice I’ve ever received is that my best is all anyone can ask or that I can offer.
- What inspires you?Food inspires me be to be adventurous.
- What is one thing faculty and staff should know about your area of work?My work proceeds successfully thanks to the collaborations and assistance from the faculty, staff, and students on this and many other campuses.
Contact Ray at rmalfavonbor@csusm.edu.
Grant Submissions & Awards
Drs. Suzanne Hizer, Wesley Schultz, & Dawn Formo | Office of Undergraduate Studies and Office of Graduate Studies and Research | National Science Foundation | California State University Fullerton | INCLUDES | Collaborative Research: NSF INCLUDES Alliance: Southern California Alliance for STEM Transfer Success (SoCASTS): An Extended Network.
Drs. George Vourlitis, Edward Price, Tracey Brown, Chuck De Leone, Suzanne Hizer, and Denise Garcia | CRESE | Howard Hughes Medical Institute | Inclusive Excellence Grant 2018.