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Extended Learning

ADN-BSN Collaborative Program


A partnership between CSUSM and Palomar College


Take your nursing career to the next level: earn a BSN and make yourself stand out to prospective employers! 

Through this partnership program, you can transition seamlessly from the Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program at Palomar College to the online Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at CSUSM.

RN License Requirement: Please note that you'll need your RN license before taking courses NURS 440 and NURS 447 during your final semester at CSUSM.

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National center of excellence

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Application and document deadline:

  • Summer 2025: April 9, 2025 

Apply Now

View application instructions.

Connect with a specialist

Set up an appointment with our enrollment specialist to learn how you can take advantage of the ADN-BSN collaboration program.

Krisean Freeman

Sujeith Ordonez, M.A.
Senior Outreach & Recruitment Specialist
CSUSM Extended Learning
(760) 750-8454

Schedule a meeting with Sujeith

Program Details


    How to Apply

    Admission Requirements

      • Minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average in all transferable units attempted
        • 2.5 GPA for students who have already completed a bachelors
      • Successful completion of a minimum of 60 transferable units
      • Successful completion of the pre-nursing core with a grade of C or better
        • Oral Communication (A1)
        • Written Communication (A2)
        • Critical Thinking (A3)
        • MATH 200 - Statistics (B4)
        • BIOL 160 - Microbiology for Health Sciences units
        • BIOL 175 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology I units
        • BIOL 176 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II
        • CHEM 105 - General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Life units
        • CHEM 105L - General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Life Laboratory
      • Successfully complete the pre-nursing core with a minimum GPA of 2.75

      Please note: To be considered for admission you must reside in an approved state

      Please also note: CSUSM will accept online courses (for all requirements) from regionally accredited institutions.

    Preferred Preparation

    • Completion of additional CSUSM lower-division GE BRN-required courses, upper-division GE courses and other CSUSM graduation requirements. More details can be found in the Course Sequence section.

    View Catalog Page

    California State University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student to meet California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the California State University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.The California State University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students enrolled in a California State University program who are planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).


    CSUSM BSN Costs

    • Cost per unit: $340
    • Total Units: 38
    • Total cost: $12,920*

    Costs and fees for the ADN degree are provided separately by Palomar College.

    * University semester fees not included. View complete breakdown of Extended Learning fees. Semester tuition subtotals based on sample program sequence. All quoted tuition rates are based on previous academic years and are subject to change without notice.

    Funding and Financial Aid

    • This program is eligible for financial aid
    • Visit the Extended Learning funding page or call 760-750-4850 to learn more about your funding options
    • Federal VA educational benefits can be used for this program (not eligible for Cal Vet fee waiver)
    • Active duty military, veterans and dependents should visit the military services page or call 760-750-8705
     Sample Schedule for Fall Start
    Institution Semester Course (units)


    Fall 1

    Introduction to Nursing Concepts D & CL (10)

    Palomar Spring 1

    Health Concepts for Childbearing (3)
    Family Health Concepts for Pediatrics (3)
    Concepts for Behavioral Health (3)

    CSUSM Summer 1

    ANTH 301 Culture and Medicine Healers & Healing Practices (3)
    BIOL 316 The Biology of Cancer (3)

    Palomar Fall 2

    Advanced Nursing Concepts I (5 week course) (3)
    Advanced Nursing Concepts II (5 week course) (3)
    Health Concepts for Geriatrics (5 week course) (3)

    Palomar Spring 2

    Transition to Professional Nursing Practice Concepts (16 Weeks) (8.5)

    CSUSM Spring 2

    NURS 350 Role Transition for the RN (2)
    NURS 351 Role Transition Seminar for the RN (1)

    CSUSM Summer 2

    NURS 370 Health Promotion & Patient Education Strategies (2)
    NURS 312 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology (4)

    CSUSM Fall 3

    NURS 310 Nursing Assessment for the RN (2)
    NURS 311 Nursing Assessment for the RN Laboratory (1)
    PHIL 345 Bioethics and Medical Ethics (3)
    NURS 352 Nursing Research (3)

    CSUSM Spring 3

    NURS 480 Family Nursing: Theory & Practice (3)
    NURS 450 Nursing Leadership and Professional Issues (3)
    NURS 451 Nursing Leadership and Management Laboratory (2)
    NURS 440 Community Health Nursing * (3)
    NURS 447 Community Health Nursing & Nursing Case Management * (2)


    Sample Schedule for Spring Start
    Institution Semester Course (units)


    Spring 1

    Introduction to Nursing Concepts D & CL (10)

    CSUSM Summer 1

    ANTH 301 Culture and Medicine Healers & Healing Practices (3)
    BIOL 316 The Biology of Cancer (3)

    Palomar Fall 1

    Health Concepts for Childbearing (3)
    Family Health Concepts for Pediatrics (3)
    Concepts for Behavioral Health (3)

    Palomar Spring 2

    Advanced Nursing Concepts I (5 week course) (3)
    Advanced Nursing Concepts II (5 week course) (3)
    Health Concepts for Geriatrics (5 week course) (3)

    CSUSM Spring 2

    NURS 350 Role Transition for the RN (2)
    NURS 351 Role Transition Seminar for the RN (1)

    CSUSM Summer 2

    NURS 370 Health Promotion & Patient Education Strategies (2)
    NURS 312 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology (4)

    Palomar Fall 2

    Transition to Professional Nursing Practice Concepts (16 Weeks) (8.5)

    CSUSM Fall 2

    NURS 310 Nursing Assessment for the RN (2)
    NURS 311 Nursing Assessment for the RN Laboratory (1)

    CSUSM Spring 3

    NURS 352 Nursing Research (3)
    PHIL 345 Bioethics and Medical Ethics (3)
    NURS 440 Community Health Nursing * (3)
    NURS 447 Community Health Nursing & Nursing Case Management * (2)
    NURS 480 Family Nursing: Theory & Practice (3)

    CSUSM Summer 3

    NURS 450 Nursing Leadership and Professional Issues (3)
    NURS 451 Nursing Leadership and Management Laboratory (2)

    * You must acquire your RN license before taking these courses.

  • FAQ

    Is an RN license required to apply?

    No, a RN license is not required at the outset of the program. However, before taking courses NURS 440 and NURS 447 — typically in the final semester of the ADN-BSN collaborative program — you'll need to have obtained and provide proof of your RN license. Without it, you can't complete the program. We recommend getting your RN license as soon as you are eligible in order to prevent any graduation delays.

    Does the ADN-BSN collaborative program prepare students to sit for the NCLEX exam (the exam required to obtain a RN license)?

    The ADN degree earned at Palomar College during the first four semesters of the concurrent enrollment program will prepare students for the NCLEX exam. In fact, students in the ADN-BSN collaborative program will be required to obtain their RN license before taking certain upper division courses during their final semester at CSUSM. 

    Will students enrolled in the collaborative program complete the lower division/pre-licensure nursing coursework required to obtain an RN license?

    ADN coursework taken at Palomar College will cover all lower-division  pre-licensure topics required to obtain an RN license. This coursework will also fulfill most requirements for entering the BSN program at CSUSM. 

    May students in the ADN-BSN collaborative program choose their own class schedules?

    No, the ADN-BSN collaborative program features courses that meet college/university regulations and the specific needs of each cohort in the program. Attempts are made to coordinate student class schedules with work and family care obligations, but the ADN/RN-BSN Program assigns students according to specific, pre-determined class schedules each semester.

    If a student has already earned an ADN from a community college in previous years, can they still apply to the ADN-BSN collaborative program?

    No; the ADN-BSN Collaborative Program is only for students who are currently enrolled, or about to enroll, in the ADN program at Palomar College. If you already have an ADN degree and RN license, you are eligible to apply directly to CSUSM’s online, accelerated ADN/RN to BSN program.

    What happens if an ADN student fails a course at Palomar College after they have enrolled in the ADN-BSN collaborative program?

    If a student fails an ADN course at the community college level, they will need to repeat the course. If repeating the course causes the student to fall out of sequence with the ADN-BSN collaborative program schedule, the student may be able to postpone their BSN enrollment at CSUSM until the following cohort, pending space availability. Students who are unable to continue in the ADN-BSN collaborative program may apply to the online, accelerated ADN/RN to BSN program after they graduate from the ADN program.

    What is Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) and how can it benefit me?

    Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) allows you to earn academic credits for skills and knowledge you've acquired outside of a traditional classroom. This can help reduce the number of courses needed for your degree, saving you time and money while accelerating your path to graduation.

    How do I apply for CPL?

    Start by contacting your CSUSM advisor, who will guide you through the CPL process. You’ll need to provide proof of your certifications and/or provide supporting documentation demonstrating your learning, knowledge or skill acquired through experience. Once the appropriate paperwork has been received, the department faculty will assess which credits you qualify for.

    Can other forms of experience besides certifications count towards CPL?

    Yes, beyond certifications, prior experience such as work or military experience may also qualify for credit. Faculty at CSUSM will review these experiences on a case-by-case basis to determine eligibility.

Accelerated Pathway

Complete both your ADN and BSN degrees in approximately three years, saving you time and money.

No stops and starts

Earn your ADN and BSN concurrently and seamlessly without pauses or interruptions.

Flexible learning

Enjoy fully online BSN courses at CSUSM and balance your education with your existing commitments.

Financial Support

Explore various financial aid options to help you pursue your nursing education without unnecessary financial burden.


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