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Study Abroad Class Visit Request Form

Dear Instructor:

Our Study Abroad Office is always available to make short classroom presentations to students to inform them of our incredible study abroad opportunities.

Currently, CSUSM has semester-long exchange options in fourteen countries, open to most majors, and many with instruction entirely in English. We have some especially great programs in Business!  Students may also participate in the systemwide International Programs for a semester or academic year in more than 40 locations.  Beyond this, we have the International Student Exchange Program with a network of more than 220 institutions worldwide.  The options are many!

The priority deadline for our Spring 2024 ISEP programs is September 15 though applications will be accepted on a rolling basis for many destinations.  Our traditional exchange programs come due on October 1 for students with 60 units or more!  The deadline for the CSU International Programs for most locations is September 15 for Spring, February 15 for Fall/Year.  Beyond this, we have January and Summer options for 2024 under construction now! 

While all CSUSM exchanges and many of the International Programs require upper-division standing and a 2.75 GPA or above, there are also summer study, ISEP and outside programs open to lower division students and those with lower GPAs.

If you are agreeable to have me offer a five minute presentation at the beginning of your class, please respond by filling out the class visit request form below. 

The experience of studying abroad truly is one that transforms the hearts and minds of our students.  Let's invest in their growth together! Thank you in advance for your commitment to our students!

Tiffany Gabbard, Assistant Director, Study Abroad     -     760.750.4090