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Inversiones Seguras, LLC. (Perfectna)

Inversiones Seguras Team

Project Summary: 

The macro problem is that the Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) industry is under pricing pressure and in need of cutting-edge software solutions to retain and grow their client base. Secondly, the founder understands that he should take advantage of programs offered to minority and veteran-owned business but has not had the time to do that. The methods used to achieve the objectives were online research, analysis, and direct communication methods. The final deliverables gave Perfectna a full research analysis and detailed report of the overall RIA in the US, which can be used as customer leads; exploring all potential grants and financial assistance that Perfectna is eligible for; and enrolling Perfectna as a certified veteran and minority-owned corporation.

Student Team Members: Danna Reyes, Ashley Obergh, Jose Montano, Miriam Preciado, Robert Gonzalez

Faculty Advisor: Mary Ann Scott, MBA

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