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The Office of Business Research and Consulting

Research and Analysis Services

The Office of Business Research and Consulting provides services to businesses, community organizations, industry sectors, and government entities seeking to identify key economic indicators and trends in their sector. The data is gathered and analyzed by student researchers and overseen by faculty expertise. Students collect primary data using university licensed software that allows access to national database systems, as wellfrom data provided by community organizations and industries.

Service Offerings Include:

  • Business Analyses
  • industry Economic Impact Analyses
  • Econometric Analyses
  • Industry Sector Forecasts
  • Branding/Marketing Strategies
  • Social Media Strategies and Content Creation
  • Library Data Research Services

Past Projects Include:

Preview Past OBRC Reports 

distribution graph
Sacramento Impact Table
Temecula Breweries
Cover of Sports Report
NCFPD report thumbnail
PDF summary report preview



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 Further, the information provided in these research documents does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or financial advice; instead, all information, content, and materials provided are for general informational purposes only. Readers of these documents should contact their attorney and/or financial professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal or financial matter. No reader or user of these documents and their content should act or refrain from acting on the basis of the information provided without first seeking advice from their own trusted professionals with relevant expertise.